Tuesday, December 24, 2019
An Analysis of Frosts Tree at my Window Essay example
An Analysis of Frosts Tree at my Window The poem Tree at my Window was written by Robert Frost, an America poet who was born in 1874 and died in 1963 (DiYanni 624). The narrator in this poem appears to be speaking to the tree at my window; then, repeating the phrase in reverse order, he calls it the window tree, as if to emphasize the location and nearness of the tree. Calling the tree a window tree, might also suggest that this tree is something he sees through, perhaps to some higher truth, to something beyond the mere physical presence of the tree. As night approaches, the sash or movable portion of the window is lowered, perhaps to prevent the air, cooled from lack of the suns warmth, from†¦show more content†¦Continuing his statement with And if you have seen me when I slept, / You have seen me when I was taken and swept / And all but lost. The narrator may be referring to actual sleeping patterns in which people sleep so soundly that they are unaware of things happening around them. Lost may also be defined as being helpless or having a lack of self confidence (Webster 681). There is a nightmarish quality to these lines, also. In the fourth and final stanze, the poet begins to talk of the day she put our heads together / Fate had her imagination about her, / Your head so much concerned with outer, / Mine with inner, weather. Until this point no differentiation has been made regarding gender; however, in this stanza, femal pronouns are mentioned three times. Interesetingly, according to Websters New Collegiate Dictionary, fate, in classical methology, was represented by three goddesses who determined the course a humans life would take (417). The narrator observes that the tree seems to be more interested in the forces of Mother Nature and the elements upon its bark and leaves compared to himself. The narrator seems to be preoccupied with what occurs within, perhaps in his mind, soul, or spirt. The narrator ends with the word weather, which could represent the literal sunshine, rain, etc. However, he could also beShow MoreRelated An Analysis of Frosts Tree at my Window Essay838 Words  | 4 PagesAn Ana lysis of  Frosts Tree at my Window    Tree at my Window was written by Robert Frost, an American poet who was born in 1874 and died in 1963 (DiYanni 624). His poem will be the basis of the discussion of this brief essay. The narrator in this poem appears to be speaking to the tree at my window; then, repeating the phrase in reverse order, he calls it the window tree, as if to emphasize the location and nearness of the tree. Calling the tree a window tree, might also suggestRead MoreRobert Frost : A New England Poet3698 Words  | 15 Pagescontinued their dreams, and went to college, but after a semester he dropped out. For the next two years, he was a labor worker and wrote poetry (Sullivan). New England became the inspirations to all of his works of poetry. He published his first poem â€Å"My Butterfly†in 1894 in the New York Independent. He was so ecstatic with his accomplishment that in 1895 he proposed to Elinor White, but she refused his proposal because she wanted to finish college (Robert Frost). After waiting some time on December
Monday, December 16, 2019
Industry Comes of Age Free Essays
Industry Comes of Age 1865-1900 1. A Defense of Long-Haul Rates * Serious grievance against the â€Å"railroad rascals†was discrimination. * The money to keep up the road must be forth coming or it will go to decay * $600,000 was required to operate the road * Local shippers would benefit if the company took the cotton at dollar per bale because then they would have to pay less 2. We will write a custom essay sample on Industry Comes of Age or any similar topic only for you Order Now Railroad President Sidney Dillon Supports Stock Watering (1891) * Stock watering: the practice of issuing stocks and bonds grossly in excess of the value of the property. * more the stock was watered the higher the freight and passenger rates would have to be (supported by Sidney Dillon president of the union pacific RR) * Statutory enactments interfered with the railway business by saying it’s a public enemy that makes money out of common people 3. General James B. Weaver Deplores Stock Watering (1892) * Won the presidential nomination of the peoples party in 1892. * Wrote book called Call to Action that condemned stock waterers * In 1887 congress passes the interstate commerce act – forbade unreasonable rates – discriminatory -payment of rebates B. The Trust and Monopoly 1. John D. Rockefeller Justifies Rebates (1909) * Founding Father of the standard oil company * reason of rebates was that such was the railroads method of business Standard Oil Company provided freights in large quantities and regular traffic for the best transportation 2. Oil Man Goes Bankrupt (1899) *Rockefellers refinery was shut for 3 years because of the standard oil trusts domination * he wanted to get equal with the Standard Oil Company 3. Weaver Attacks the Trusts * standard oil trust is created after Rockefellers Standard Oil of Ohio was not authorized to operate outside the state * the main weapons of the trust were threats, intimidation, bribery, frau d, wreck, and pilage How to cite Industry Comes of Age, Essay examples Industry Comes of Age Free Essays Spanning the Continent with Rails Deadlock over where to build a transcontinental railroad was broken after the South exceed, and in 1862, Congress commissioned the Union Pacific Railroad to b gin westward from Omaha, Nebraska, to goldbrick Over in California, the Central Pacific Railroad was in charge of extending the r aileron eastward, and it was backed by the Big Four: including Leland Stanford, the governor of California who had useful political connections, and Collies P. Huntington, an adept lobbyist. The Central Pacific used Chinese workers, and received the same incentives a s the Union Pacific, but it had to drill through the hard Ill. We will write a custom essay sample on Industry Comes of Age or any similar topic only for you Order Now Binding the Country with Railroad Ties 1. Before 1 900, four other transcontinental railroads were built 2. However, many pioneers overstressed on land, and the banks that supported them often failed and went bankrupt when the land wasn’t worth as much as initial y thought. IV. Railroad Consolidation and Mechanization Older eastern railroads, like the New York Central, headed by Cornelius Band rebuilt, often financed the successful western railroads. Advancements in railroads included the steel rail, which was stronger and MO enduring than the iron rail, the Westinghouse air brake which increased safest y, the Pullman Palace Cars which were luxurious passenger cars, and telegraphs, doubleheaders, and block signals. V. Revolution by Railways Railroads stitched the nation together, generated a huge market and lots of Joe BBS, helped the rapid industrialization of America, and stimulated mining and agric ultra in the West by bringing people and supplies to and from the areas where such w Org occurred. . Railroads helped people settle in the previously harsh Great Plains. 3. Due to railroads, the creation of four national time zones occurred on Novel beer 18, 1883, instead of each city having its own time zone 4. Railroads were also the makers of millionaires and the millionaire class. VI. Wrongdoing in Railroading Railroads were not without corruption, as shown by the Credit Immobile scans Jay Gould made millions embezzling stocks f rom the Erie, Kansas Pacific, the Union Pacific, and the Texas and Pacific railroad companies. . One method Of cheap moneymaking was called â€Å"stock watering,†in which rail road companies grossly overindulged the worth of their stock and sold them at hug e profits. 4. As time passed, though, railroad giants entered into defensive alliances to shoo profits, and began the first of what would be called trusts, although at that it me they were called â€Å"pools. †A pool (AKA, a â€Å"cartel†) is a group of supposed competitor who agree to work together, usually to set prices. VII. Government Bridles the Iron Horse 1. People were aware of such injustice, but were slow to combat it. 2. The Grange was formed by farmers to combat such corruption, and many sat et efforts to stop the railroad monopoly occurred, but they were stopped when the Sup Court issued its ruling in the Wabash case, in which it ruled that states could n tot regulate interstate Wabash, SST. Louis Pacific Railroad Company v. Illinois commerce , such as trains. 3. The Interstate Commerce Act , passed in 1887, banned rebates and pools and squired the railroads to publish their rates openly . The act was not a victory against corporate wealth, as people like Richard Lonely, a shrewd corporate lawyer, no Ted that they could use the act to their advantage, but it did represent the first attempt t by Congress to regulate businesses for society interest. VIII. Miracles of Mechanization In 1876, Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone and a new age was la munched. 2. Thomas Edison, the â€Å"Wizard Of Menlo park,†was the most versatile inventor, who, while best known for his electric light bulb, also cranked out scores of other in mentions. K The Trust Titan Emerges 1 . Andrew Carnegie used a method called †vertical integration, †which meant that he bought out and controlled all aspects of an industry 2. John D. Rockefeller, master of†horizontal Integration, †simply allied with or bought out competitors to monopolize a given market. 3. These men became known for their trusts , giant, monopolistic corporations. J. P. Morgan also placed h is own men on the boards of directors of other rival competitors to gain influence there and reduce competition a process called â€Å"interlocking directorates. X. The Supremacy of Steel In Lincoln day, steel was very scarce and expensive, but by 1 900, Americans produced as much steel as England and Germany combined. 2. This was due to an invention that made stalemating cheaper and much more effective: the Bessemer process, which was named after an English inventor e even though an American, William Kelly, had discovered it first: 0 Cold air blown on redroot iron burned carbon deposits and purified it. America a was one of the few nations that had a lot of coal for fuel, iron for smelting, and other e essential ingredients for steel making, and thus, quickly became #1. SKI. Carnegie and Other Sultans of Steel Andrew Carnegie started off as a poor boy in a bad job, but by working hard, assuming responsibility, and charming influential people, He started in the Pittsburgh area, but he was not a man who liked trusts; still, by 1900, he was producing 1/4 of the nation’s Bessemer steel, and getting $25 million a year. . J. Pierson Morgan, having already made a fortune in the banking industry an d in Wall Street, was ready to Step into the steel tubing industry, but Carnegie threaten De to ruin him, so after some tense negotiation, Morgan bought Carnage’s entire business s at $400 million (this was before income tax). Meanwhile, Morgan took Carnage’s holdings, added others, and launched the United States Steel Corporation in 1 901, a company that became the worldâ₠¬â„¢s first bill nodular corporation XII. Rockefeller Grows an American Beauty Rose In 1 859, a man named Drake first used oil to get money, and by the asses, eke Rosen, a type of oil, was used to light lamps all over the nation. 2. However, by 1 885, 250,000 of Edition’s electric light bulbs were in use, and the electric industry soon rendered kerosene obsolete, just as kerosene had made whale oil obsolete. Oil, however, was just beginning with the sloganeering internal combustion n engine. John D. Rockefeller, ruthless and merciless, organized the Standard Oil Company of Ohio in 1882 Rockefeller crushed weaker competitors-?part Of the natural process accords Eng to him-?but his company did produce superior oil at a cheaper price. XIII. The Gospel of Wealth Many of the newly rich had worked from poverty to wealth, and thus felt that some people in the world were destined to become rich and then help society with t heir money. This was the â€Å"Gospel of Wealth. †Social Darwinism †applied Charles Darning’s surreptitiousness theories to easiness. It said the reason a Carnegie was at the top of the steel industry WA s that he was most fit 3. To run such a business. Corporate lava,n. Years used the 14th Amendment to defend trusts, the judges gar deed, saying that corporations were legal people and thus entitled to their property, and plutocracy ruled. XIV. Government Tackles the Trust Evil 1. In 1890, the Sherman AntiTrust Act was signed into law; it forbade combinations (trusts, pools, interlocking directorates, holding companies) in restraint of trade e, without any distinction between â€Å"good†and â€Å"bad†trusts. O It proved ineffective, however, because it couldn’t be enforced. Not until 1 914 was it properly enforced and those prosecuted for violating the law were actually punished. W. The South in the Age Of Industry The South remained agrarian despite all the industrial advances, though Jam Buchanan Duke developed a huge cigarette industry in the form of the Aimer can Tobacco Company and made many donations to what is now Duke university. Men like Henry W. Grady, editor of the Atlanta Constitution newspaper urged the South to industrialized. 3. The Impact of the New Industrial Revolution on America a As the Industrial Revolution spread in America, the standard of living rose, immigrants swarmed to the U. S. , and early Jeffersonian ideals about the dominance Of agriculture fell. Women, who had swarmed to factories and had been encouraged by recent inventions, found new opportunities, and the â€Å"Gibson Girl,†created by Charge s Dana Gibson, became the romantic ideal of the age. 4. Strong pressures in foreign trade developed as the tireless industrial machine threatened to flood the domestic market. XVI. The Impact Of The Industrial Revolution On America 1. The standard of living rose sharply and Americans enjoyed more physical co inform than their counterparts in other industrial nation. Older way of life changed. Rural immigrants used to living by nature had to a adapt to factory whistles. Women were profoundly affected by the new industrial age. They were intro educed to the age with the typewriters and telephone switchboard, a new image of an independent and athletic girl came out. XVII. In Unions There Is Strength With the inflow of immigrants providing a labor force that would work for low wages and in poor environments, the workers who wanted to improve their condition NSA found that they could not, since their bosses could easily hire the unemployed to TA eke their places. How to cite Industry Comes of Age, Essays
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Jackie stared at the piece of paper with trembling hands and then back at me, her eyes danced uncontrollably with joy Essay Example For Students
Jackie stared at the piece of paper with trembling hands and then back at me, her eyes danced uncontrollably with joy Essay Views: 404 Comments: 0 Jackie stared at the piece of paper with trembling hands and then back at me, her eyes danced uncontrollably with joy. Elated, she held onto the letter tenaciously and ran around the room in a frenzied madness. Grandfather Morgan, is dead! she proclaimed, her pale arms gesticulated wildly as she re-read short extracts from my grandfathers lawyers letter in her formal tone, which was occasionally punctuated by short bursts of laughter. Hes dead, together, we proclaimed again and again in jubilation. Dressed in a somber suit to disguise our euphoric hearts, Jackie and I rushed to grandfathers opulent mansion, which was perched on the outskirts of Nome, a small district with big people. We entered the mansion only to be welcomed by wailing relatives who had suddenly remembered grandfather only after he had passed on. After a short sermon we gathered around the teak coffin to say our final farewells to Morgan. Eventually, Jackie strolled towards the coffin, bent down and kissed grandfathers ashen cheeks and hissed into his ears, So glad you finally decided to die, old man, and you had better left me something worthwhile, Finally, we entered a glumly lit room filled with excited chatter. Obviously, they were all vying for Morgans coveted treasures. This was the moment we were all eagerly awaiting; the will was going to be read . A scrawny lawyer hobbled into the room, sat on the leather sofa and loosened his strangling tie. Clearing his throat he fumbled for his reading glasses as he peered at us through his milky green eyes. Flashing a conspitoral smile, he started to read Morgans will in a hoarse voice. After rambling on and on about what other relatives were to be given, he finally reached Jackies name. Lastly, to my loving granddaughter, Jacqueline, the one whom I had always doted upon, will be given the family heirloom. What? Jackie screeched in utter dismay. Immediately, she sprang up and rushed towards the will. Grabbing the yellowed paper from the bedlam lawyer, Jackie read the will again. Shaking her curly locks in disbelief she wailed, It cannot be, I served him for so long and I end up with a worthless piece of junk. Madam, you must understand that your grandfathers ring was worth much more to him than just money itself, he would expected you of all people to understand this, the lawyer meekly retorted. What, did you actually think that I massaged his stinky feet, served him his disgusting meals and put up with his constant nagging, because I cared for him? Jackie screamed, pointing a perfectly manicured finger at the lawyer. Shattered, Jackie crumpled to the ground and tears erupted from her amber eyes. Suddenly, frightened whispers and screams filled the dreary room A wrinkled hand rested upon her delicate shoulders and squeezed them. Well Jackie what is it that you really want from you old grandpa, huh? enquired a familiar yet exasperated voice. Jackie looked up slowly and saw her dead grandfather smiling at her. Whaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦t? hoà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦w? Jackie stammered, as she shrank away from the twitching fingers. Dont you see Jackie, I had feigned death just to know who really cared for me, grandpa explained his hazel eyes filled with grief. Well now I guess you know! Jackie snorted, her eyes twitching with anger. Livid with rage, she stormed out of the room leaving a lonely man who eagerly awaited his death, once again.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Why I want to go to Reed College Essay Example For Students
Why I want to go to Reed College Essay How did you first become interested in Reed and why do youthink Reed might be an appropriate place, both socially andacademically, to continue your education?I could tell you a heartfelt, sentimental, poignant story about first seeing a ReedCollege refrigerator magnet (my uncle got it at a reunion, I think) and feeling first deepemotions stirring somewhere inside my spleen. Or I could meticulously paraphrase the numerous brochures and articles aboutYet another option would be to rent a small airplane and skywrite, I want togo to Reed, in colorful pollutants. And I probably would resort to one of these strategies, had I not some realincentives to attend Reed College. They are based on what I have learned from ThePrinceton Review, general knowledge, conversations I have overheard, and othermiscellaneous tidbits of information sent to me by friends and relatives. First of all, I must express my admiration to the people who have decided thateducation is, after all, the purpose and respon sibility of a college and established theprecedence of academics over sports at Reed college. Id like to attend a schoolwhere I, a debater, will not be viewed as a second-class citizen by football players. Secondly, the notoriety of great educational standards has reached me all theway in Vancouver (OK, so it is only across the river) and enticed, attracted, andurged me to apply to Reed. Rumors of the side effects of avalanches of homeworkand sleepless nights have crept here, too, but Im up to the challenge. After two yearsof juggling high school, college, and extracurricular activities, receiving assignmentsonly at one place just might be paradise. Lastly, Reeds geographical location is just like pretty wrapping paper and a bigred bow on a present thats already great ( forgive the allusions to the Haagen-Daszcommercials). Living in Portland, I would be simultaneously away from my family inVancouverand as close as I might need to be! Not only would I have theopportunity to become be tter acquainted with Portland, but also to judge at debatetournaments for my old high school! The possibilities are mouthwatering. Jokes aside, I believe that attending Reed will be one of the most sensiblethings I might do in my whole life. Learning is what I do best, and at Reed I will havethe perfect opportunity to excel at it. Bibliography: We will write a custom essay on Why I want to go to Reed College specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now
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