Sunday, January 26, 2020
Quality Management Systems Of Dairy In India Environmental Sciences Essay
Quality Management Systems Of Dairy In India Environmental Sciences Essay In the new WTO led freer trade environment, Indian food industry can compete Globally only if it is price and quality competitive .Due to the liberalization of Indian economy and the onset of WTO regime, quality Competitiveness will matter most in Indian food industry. Hence serious consideration had given to quality issues in Indian food industries. The Indian government is motivating the dairy and other food processing industries for adoption of food safety and quality assurance mechanisms such as Total Quality Management (TQM) including ISO 9000, ISO 14000. Hazard analysis and critical control points (HACCP). Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), Good Hygienic Practices (GMP).And this essay also contains Indian Government Regulations in the Dairy Processing Sector. India has two types of sectors for the marketing of milk and its products, one is organized sector and another is unorganized sector. The unorganized sector accounts for 88% of total milk production in India and it includes marketing of raw milk and traditional products such as locally manufactured ghee, fresh cheese, and sweets. The organized sector accounts for 10-12% of total milk production in India and it includes the dairy cooperatives and organized private dairies which produces Western-style dairy processed products based on pasteurization. The share of organized sector in the total milk production handling is increasing by the years (FAO, 2002). India has now become the largest producer of milk in the world, with estimated production of about 81 million tons in 2001(FAO, 2002).Milk production in India accounts for more than 13% of the total world output and 57% of total Asias production. Top five milk producing nations in the world are India, USA, Russia, Germany and France ( After the formation of World Trade Organization(WTO), there were some instances where foreign buyers refused to accept Indian processed food products from Indian food processing industries which did not follow HACCP system.Due to this Industries which are exporting were paying lare amounts of money to foreign consultants for HACCP Implementation (CM, 1997).And also implementing HACCP system has become mandatory for food companies after the formation of World Trade Organization(WTO) and this is due to HACCP is recommended by the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) and the CAC recommendation has been approved by the Agreement on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS) reached under the signs of WTO (Satish Y. Deodhar, 2001). It is an international Body which was established by Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and World Health Organization (WHO) of the United Nations with an objective to protect the health of consumers and to ensure fair practices in the food trade. It gives specifications for International Standards for the safety and quality of food codes of good manufacturing practice. The Standards, guide lines and recommendations specified by Codex Alimentarius commission was recognized worldwide for international trade and negotiations and also for settling of disputes by WTO. (Source: GOVERNMENT OF INDIA OUTCOME BUDGET OF MINISTRY OF FOOD PROCESSING INDUSTRIES FOR 2008-2009) Government of India (GOI) Ministry of food processing industries Financial Scheme for Quality Assurance, Codex Standard 2008-2009. Objectives of this Scheme: 1. Motivating the food processing industries in order to adopt food quality and safety assurance systems such as Total Quality Management (TQM) which includes ISO 9000, ISO 14000 and safety assurance systems such as Hazard analysis and critical control points (HACCP),Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and Good Hygienic Practices (GMP). 2. To make the food processing industries ready to face them to global competition in international trade after the WTO formation. 3. To prepare the food processing industries in such a way that itv will stick to strict quality in hygiene norms. 4. Enhaning the product produced by food processing industries which will accept by overseas buyers. 5. To prepare Indian food processing industry in technologically up to date which will practice international best practices. The Scheme included the following activities: 1. Total Quality Management (TQM). 2. Promoting of Quality Assurance / Safety Concept. 3. Bar Coding. 4. Strengthening of Codex Cell. 5. Upgrading Quality Control Laboratories. 6. Research Development Programmes for food processing industry 1. Total Quality Management (TQM) Ministry of Food Processing Industries (GOI) is running a Plan Scheme which is promoting food processing industries to adopt food quality and safety assurance systems such as ISO 9000, ISO 14000, Hazard Analysis and Critical points (HACCP), Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), Good Hygienic Practices (GHP) .And it has assisted 10 food processing units to implement the HACCP, IS09000, GMP, GHP practices during the year 2007-2008. 2. Setting Up/Up gradation of Quality Control Laboratory Strengthening or Setting up or Networking of laboratories will help in introduction of quality and safety systems in food processing industries and maintaining quality of the product at every level of production. Ministry of Food Processing industries (GOI) has started a plan scheme for setting up/ up gradation of quality control laboratory with objectives like ensuring adoption of National food standards, assisting food industries to develop and implement quality management systems such as ISO9000, HACCP etc., analyzing the samples received from food processing industries, and other stake holder and training in the areas relating to quality improvement through own expertise. The Ministry of food processing industries (GOI) has approved financial assistance to the some organizations during the year 2007-2008 for setting up and up gradation of food testing laboratories like Maarc Lab private limited, Pune.,Council for Food Research and Development, Government of Kerala.,Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur.,Pradeshik Cooperative Dairy Fed. Ltd, Lucknow.,. AcharyaN.G. Agricultural University, Hyderabad and A.P. State Agro Industries Dev.Corpn.Ltd. Hyderabad. (Source: GOVERNMENT OF INDIA OUTCOME BUDGET OF MINISTRY OF FOOD PROCESSING INDUSTRIES FOR 2008-2009) Indian Government Regulations in the Dairy Processing Sector: Compulsory legislation 1. Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954 The Act was created in Indian Parliament in 1954 in order to prevent adulteration of food and it Rules were formed in the year 1955 .The PFA Act includes food standards, general procedures for sampling, analysis of food, powers of authorized officers, nature of penalties and other parameters related to food. It will give standards to food additives, preservative, coloring matters, packing labeling of foods, prohibition regulations of sales etc. Amendments are incorporated in PFA rules with the recommendation made by the Central Committee of Food Standards (CCFS) which has been setup by Central Government of India under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare comprising members from different regions of the country. The provisions of PFA Act and Rules are implemented by State Government and local bodies as provided in the rules. The provisions of the Act are mandatory and contravention of the rules can lead to both fines and imprisonment. (Source: 2. Milk and Milk Product Order (MMPO) The Govt. of India had announced officially the Milk and Milk Product Order (MMPO) 1992 on 9.06.1992 under the provisions of Essential commodity Act, 1955.According to this order any person or dairy plat handling more than 10000 liters per day of milk or 500 Million tons of milk solids per annum needs to be registered with the registering authority appointed by the Central Government of India. This order aims at to maintain and increase in supply of liquid milk of desired quality in the interests of the general public and also helps in for regulating the production, processing and distribution of milk and milk Products. So far suitable amendments were made by Government of India for this order from time to time in order to make it more liberal and oriented to facilitate the dairy entrepreneurs. The latest amendment was made on 26/03/2002. At present there is no restriction on setting up of new milk plant but requirement of registration is for enforcing the prescribed standards of qua lity and food safety. The salient features of the new amendments include sanitary, hygienic condition, quality, food safety issues and flexible inspection of dairy plant. (Source: 3. Standards on Weights and Measures (Packaged Commodities) Rules, 1997 These Rules species obligatory conditions should be maintained for all milk and milk products which are in packed form with respect to declarations on quantities contained. And they are operated by the Directorate of Weights and Measures, under the Ministry of Food and Civil Supplies (Government of India). 4. Export (Quality Control and Inspection) Act, 1963 This act was operated by Export Inspection Council (Government of India). According to this Act all exportable milk and milk products should undergo compulsory pre-shipment inspection for quality control. And the quality control and inspection are administered through a network of more than fifty offices located around major production centers and ports of shipment 5. Pollution Control The milk processing industry should take no Objection Certificate from Pollution Control Board which is Compulsory. Voluntary Standards In India there are two organizations which deal with voluntary standardization and certification systems in the food sector. They are: 1. Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) BIS has two types of activities, one is formulation of Indian standards in the processed foods sector and the other is implementation of standards through promotion and through voluntary and third party certification systems. BIS standards cover raw materials permitted and their quality parameters, hygienic conditions under which products are manufactured and packaging and labeling requirements.BIS will give ISI mark that can be exhibited on product packages to those manufacturers complying with standards laid down by the BIS. BIS has made mandatory certification for food colors or additives, vanaspati (Hydrogenated vegetable oil), containers for packing, milk powder and condensed milk. 2. Directorate of Marketing and Inspection (DMI) Agricultural Produce (Grading Marking) Act was formed in the year 1937 which had given power to Central Government of India to frame grade standards for agricultural produce. It has formulated certain Standards under scientific manner and is popularly known as AGMARK standards. Recently food safety factors are being incorporated in these standards in order to compete in World trade and they are harmonized with international standards keeping in view the WTO requirements. They will provide Certification to adulteration prone milk products like Butter and Ghee in order to benefit producer/manufacturer and consumer. The Certification mark under the Agricultural Produce (Grading Marking) Act is popularly known as AGMARK. (Source: Other Government Regulations 1. Industrial License: Normally in India no license is required for setting up a Dairy Project but a Memorandum has to be submitted to the Secretariat for Industrial Approvals (SIA) and an acknowledgment is to be obtained. 2. Foreign Investment: A prior approval from the Secretariat of Industrial Approvals, Ministry of Industry(Government of India) is required in order to Foreign investment in Indian Dairy Industry. 3. Foreign Technology Agreements: It also requires prior approval from the government of India . 4. Import of capital Goods Import of capital goods for dairy processing industry is allowed if it is financed through Foreign Equity and it also need of approval from the Secretariat of Industrial Approvals. 5. Import of Second Hand Capital Goods Second hand machinary can be imported if it meets conditions like minimum residual life of 5 years, equipment age should not be more than 7 years old, certificate from the Chartered Engineers of the country of origin certifying the age , the Residual life is to be produced and import will be allowed only for actual users. (Source: The Management Systems Certification (MSC) activity of the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS): It consists of a series of activities with which it will assess the capability of an organizations Management Systems such as IS/ISO 9001:2000(Quality Management Systems), IS/ISO 14001:2004( Environmental Management Systems ),IS 18001:2000(Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems),IS15000:1998 ( Food Hygiene Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) System )and the combination of two or more than two systems (integrated management systems) and it will provide third party Certification to the organizations. BIS offers certification to the following standard: IS/ISO 9001:2000: This standard comes under Quality Management Systems Certification Scheme (QMSCS) provided by Bureau of Indian Standards and it is identical to ISO 9001:2000 -`Quality Management Systems . IS does not provide any form of consultancy services for implementation of the requirements of IS/ISO 9001:2000 standard as under its Quality Management Systems Certification Scheme, BIS grants licenses against IS/ISO 9001:2000 standard. Accreditation of BIS QMSCS by Raad voor Accreditatie (RvA), Netherlands, is a testimony of BIS QMSCS operating to internationally accepted criteria. BIS Quality Management Systems Certification Scheme is accredited by RvA for twenty three sectors. IS/ISO 14001: This standard comes under Environmental Management Systems Certification Scheme (EMSCS) and is identical to ISO 14001 -`Environmental Management Systems. This standard helps the organizations to achieve and demonstrate sound environmental performance. It does not provide any form of consultancy services for implementation of the requirements of IS/ISO 14001 but it grants licenses against IS/ISO 14001 standard. IS 18001:2000: This standard comes under Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems and helps in good health and safety performance ensuring an accident-free industrial environment. This will also improves organizations smooth and effective functioning. IS 15000:1998: This standard comes under Food Hygiene -Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) System and it is designed to identify and prevent microbial and other hazards in food production. It helps the producers, processors, distributors, exporters, etc, of food products to utilize technical resources efficiently and in a cost effective manner in assuring food safety .It does not provide any form of consultancy services for implementation of the requirements of IS15000 standard as under its HACCP HACCP-Quality Management Systems (QMS) Certification Scheme but it grants licenses against IS 15000 (HACCP stand-alone certification) or IS 15000 integrated with IS/ISO 9001:2000 standard (HACCP integrated with QMS Certification). The Benefits of BIS Certification for management systems: It improves both internal operational benefits and external marketing advantages of an organization. And it also provide an assurance of consistent quality, pollution prevention, waste reduction, safety and health of employees to highly competitive international market-place, customers, governments, general public, employees and stakeholders . (Source: Bureau of Indian standards Management Systems Certification Quality Manual, issue 1, 2004). Major problem associated with quality standards: Small holders have difficulty complying with SPS/ QUALITY STANDARDS (FAO, 2002). Conclusion: There is need of Training of suitable man power on Quality and food safety management systems such as ISO Standards ,good hygienic practices and good manufacturing practices and application of concept and principles of sanitary and phyto sanitary (SPS ) and Hazard Analysis and critical control point ( HAACP ) systems throughout the food Chain from farmer to consumer , becomes important for producing quality milk products. So, Indian government should take proper measures in order to improve people skill in the quality and safety management systems so that Indian dairy sector Quality and Safety management systems will improve.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Criminal justice Essay
The reason I chose Serpico is because I thought this book would talk about a cop trying to do the right thing, which was to change the crooked system that allowed corruption. This non-fiction talks about the criminality that takes place in this book. For example Serpico was plainclothesmen which was patrolmen working out of uniform on special assignments like narcotics, prostitution, and gambling, so it was a lot of opportunities and temptation for graft to occur. This book proves the point that people in power always abuses it because the plainclothesmen were just out to get a profit from illegal activities that you were hired to prevent. The topic this book expounds on is about Brooklyn born, Italian cop with long hair, scruffy beard and a taste for opera and ballet music, name Frank Serpico. He was a man that couldn’t be hushed nor brought with felonious money, so he decided to change this nefarious system called the police force, that enable the law enforcement to flourish off of bribery, graft, and comprise. After Serpico made this decision to try and change the fraud happening in law enforcement, he had gained a lot of enemies rather than allies due to the reputation he garnered. For example during a drug raid his fellow partner was reluctant to come to his aid, so he was shot in the face. From then on, Serpico was life was put into danger by his fellow colleagues. Police Officers were baffled and confused on why Serpico broke an unwritten code that meant that cops can’t turn in other cops. Apparently Serpico didn’t care about that code because his main concentration was advancing to detective rank and being a good example of cop, so his peers can learn from it. Police Corruption is the abuse of police authority for the gain. The connection it has to the criminal law is corruption undermines the rule of law, good governance, tarnishes the public image of the law enforcement, protects criminal activity like drug dealing or prostitution, and soon forfeits the community trust in various institutions. The reason why police corruption is so easily to get involve in is because ineffectual laws prevailing moral values promote corruption because they provide criminal organizations with a financial curiosity in damaging law enforcement. I believe the only way to fight police corruption is to wrestle with the decriminalization issue, which involves removing the criminal label giving to victimless crimes by regulating them and preventing them. It’s very hard to prosecute a police officer for corruptions because most prosecutors think why â€Å"bite the hand that feeds you. Serpico didn’t care about that idea because he just wanted to do the right thing no matter what it took or cost which was almost his life. Frank Serpico was a heroic man that gambled with his life just to stop corruption that was going on in the New York’s police department. Serpico went through a lot of distrust and harassment from his various police officers just to call attention to this ceaseless problem. Then Serpico decided to take drastic measures by taking his story to New York Times editors. This act forced Mayor Lindsay to appoint a special, discrete commission to investigate these Serpico allegations. I admired Serpico for putting up with death threats from several police officers and people that were setting him up like in that drug raid. It took Serpico 5 years for him to bring this corruption to the public’s attention. Through those 5 years Serpico had faced many death threats and vexation that prevented him from achieving his goal of becoming a detective. The only thing that Serpico did that I found was obnoxious, was when he was basically envious of William Phillip who was undercover agent for the Knapp Commission and he really was doing the same thing Serpico was doing over the years. The definition of a hero is Frank Serpico because of the heroic deed he had attained, that took a great deal of courage and dedication. Most police officers wouldn’t have the guts and determination to be able to endure the hardship Serpico had went through in order to end the corruption in the New York Police department. Frank Serpico was remembered for that significant feat he accomplished because most police officers had just fallen in the arms of unscrupulous and Serpico was the first officer to not fall into misconduct while faced with many tempting opportunities as a plainclothesmen. Why couldn’t there be more police officers like Frank Serpico? Why did police officers allow that criminality to happen or why did police officers partake in that criminality? At least Frank Serpico had made a huge step into the right direction of transformation. The officers in the New York Police department had just gone with the flow before Serpico came around, as if corruption was a part of their job. If Frank Serpico didn’t speak up about the corruption, would it have continued to occur as if nothing was illicit? I’m glad that I chose this book because it taught me that one person can have a huge impact on an issue that he or she feels strongly about. I thought Serpico would have become a replica of those crooked cops. Who would of thought Serpico would be the police officer to deny graft, bribery and other criminal benefits? That’s the most appealing information because who would chose justice over money? Apparently Frank Serpico thought that corruption wasn’t going to get him to a detective rank. He believed the only way was to endeavor. A quote from the book was â€Å"the problem is that the atmosphere doesn’t yet exist in which an honest police officer can act without fear of ridicule or reprisal from fellow officers. †This quote shows that Serpico had an excellent idea on how to prevent what he endure for 5 interminable years. No one shouldn’t have to feel like they under that much pressure when bringing about information regarding a system that allowed corruption to flow like a pipe. The worst thing about the trial was that the executive officers were not there, so the real issue of corruption wouldn’t be solved. While feeling so much pressure, Serpico still had to worry about his life being in danger because he testifies. A person shouldn’t have to go thru different predicaments just to serve justice and be an example to the police force. Even though police officers got fired and the commissioner got replaced, I still don’t think that was equivalent to the price Serpico partially paid which was his life. The length it took for Serpico allegations to get some public attention was the least appealing because I didn’t understand why no one understood the severity of fraudulence in the New York Police department. That’s how you can tell that Serpico was very determined to be different and stand by his morals, because it took 5 years before justice could be served in a trial. I don’t think you can have that much patience unless you were very dedicated to the issue at hand. This book was a good choice because I thought after all those death threats and fatal gun wound in his head that nearly cost him his life, Serpico would just go along with the corruption. Even after the trial during Serpico sick leave and recovery from his head wound, he was still debating on his future as a op. I wonder was the Medal of Honor he received was the real reason why he had retired? Serpico really had a huge amount of ambition towards being a detective, so what happened? In the book Serpico saids â€Å"sensing the underlying hatred of police establishment toward him after what he had done,†to me this meant that Serpico was worried about how the police force would feel if he had came back aft er the critical actions he done that had repercussions.
Friday, January 10, 2020
The Most Ignored Fact Regarding Write Business Plan Revealed
The Most Ignored Fact Regarding Write Business Plan Revealed Write Business Plan - Is it a Scam? The easy steps here will help you produce a rough advertising and marketing plan which will act as a fantastic foundation for getting your goods and services before the correct individuals. If your idea isn't scalable, it may not be a very good idea for a company. Understanding Write Business Plan Although financial data is usually at the rear of the company program, it plays an important role in the whole plan. There are a very few explanations for why you would want to compose a business program. Therefore, if you're contemplating to compose a business program, sit down and jot down all of the above-listed things. Finally, it's okay if the actual life events don't perfectly match your enterprise program, pathways generally have just a little leeway. What's A Business Plan A business is basically a document you create to discover what kind of business you want to run and how y ou mean to make it a success. Starting a company can be a gamble. Business plans can be enormously stressful. They should not be written in the first person. Summary The guide supplies you the information regarding the purpose of small small business consulting and the critical skills which are needed by them to develop into the very best business consultant. Writing might be a bit hard and tricky initially, but it is going to be a touch easier every single moment. Developing a suitable small small business plan takes a great deal of time and commitment. An excellent small business program is able to help you start your restaurant off right, avoid mistakes and keep you heading in the direction that you have to be in order to achieve your ends. By building a plan it is possible to work with different portion of your company and change it if necessary with no money spent. Your company provides a remedy to a problem you've noticed, time to spell out how. There are many cho ices for writing a persuasive and efficient small business plan without having to spend plenty of money on a writing coach, proposal writer, or additional resources. A business plan provides you a very clear image of what is going to happen later on and make the decision-making process less difficult for you. With the most suitable procedures, a superior strategy and the willingness to learn, you can make a very simple marketing plan in a couple of hours. Your small small business program will make it possible for you to think about what needs to be completed at various stages and will be able to help you focus your time and energy on the important steps of constructing a tutoring enterprise. Ok, I Think I Understand Write Business Plan, Now Tell Me About Write Business Plan! You ought to understand your plan isn't really what you mean to do in the subsequent five decades and the way you'll grow to be the next Google. You can and ought to plan that. Show why your company will be a success over others. Ruthless Write Business Plan Strategies Exploited Don't forget a business program is similar to curriculum vitae of your company and serves to entice investors and keep clients and suppliers informed about performance of your business. Bear in mind that in the event that you don't make a prosperous company, someone else will hire you to produce their company successful. No business and company can run successfully without the assistance of the ideal company profile and to make the company count we'll must make the the majority of the author and receive the ideal brand writing done. While all little small business plans are different, one of the more important components that ought to be included is a description of the company. A full small business plan for a startup business is best organized in accord with the logical evolution of the company and it's comprised of at least 12 standard components. A crucial part of a business is getting your services and products before your prospective clients. Each different sort of business may have unique small business plan outline fields. Ok, I Think I Understand Write Business Plan, Now Tell Me About Write Business Plan! For the success of a company, business plan functions as a roadmap. Your business plan should consist of thorough information regarding your competition, together with how your company compares. Every business plan should have a description of the way the company will operate. In fact, you should learn how to compose a business plan for a small enterprise. Write Business Plan Ideas Write abou t the way the company will be run and offer a persuasive argument for why the company will succeed, highlighting the essential accomplishments and experience of the company owner. If you must still acquire financing to have your company off the ground, your enterprise plan writing should consist of information regarding exactly how you plan to get the financing. A company is an entity which gives a valuable service or product in exchange for money (or another currency). If your company is a service business describe how much it costs to offer the service.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
The God Delusion By Richard Dawkins - 1573 Words
There are many beliefs that are thought of around the world as fact. I want to describe belief through the words of professionals, and each one has their own beliefs that others may disagree with. There are three topics that will be discussed by them including religion, luck, and belief itself, and I have a counter argument that describes why it is necessary to have strange beliefs such as religion. The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins provides an argument against strange beliefs, and he uses many books to prove each point that he makes. He tells his view saying he is an agnostic of any God, but only because he cannot disprove what does not exist. He gives credit to religious people in a section called deserved respect, but he does not give any credit to them for their belief. He says that religious belief is quite dangerous, and that without it there would be much less violence in the world. He says that being an atheist is something to be proud of, and he says that atheists actually make up a significant percentage of the American population. He intends to provide comfort for atheist, and for agnostic believers he wants to convert them into atheist. He thinks of the word faith as belief without evidence, and he also notes that people of religious belief sometimes confuse the meaning of the word god, saying that they think it means the mystery of the universe. He says that the Founding Fathers of America were mostly deist, but he thinks the best of them mustShow MoreRelatedThe God Delusion By Richard Dawkins1630 Words  | 7 PagesThe God Delusion Report The God Delusion is a theoretical work by Richard Dawkins criticizing religion. He introduces it as a book solely dedicated to disproving any God or gods in any religion as a whole, which makes it somewhat odd how in the last few chapters he begins focusing on the social effects of Christianity specifically. 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Methodology 4.1 Data The data used for analysis is Richard Dawkins’ polemical book The God Delusion, first published in 2006; and it typically represents the author’s worldview – science-based atheism. Dawkins is a world-known evolutionary biologist and atheist who holds an absolute belief in Darwinism and who categorically despises religion-bound creationism. Analysis will be restricted to the introductory part of Dawkins’ book, that is, its preface. The rationale for this restrictionRead MoreThe Existence Of The Soul1849 Words  | 8 Pagesthe existence of God, therefore arguments presented against the existence of God are also arguments against the existence of the soul. For this reason we will examine arguments against the existence of God. Some of the brightest minds in our world today are atheists. Names such as Richard Dawkins, Stephen Hawking, and Sam Harris are interwoven into popular culture. Let’s look at some of their arguments against the existence of God and determine whether or not it is possible that God exists becauseRead MoreThe Tension Between Faith and Reason Essay1643 Words  | 7 Pagesrational atheist, and the other being the rational Believer. Firstly, let us observe the rationale atheist. Richard Dawkins is widely recognized as an outspoken atheist. His book, The God Delusion, was a New York Time’s bestseller and he has accomplished many admirable achievements. It is tempting for the Christian to assume that such a passionate atheist must be irrational. However, Dawkins is not a man without base. The discussion of certainty is necessary before Dawkins’s perspective is explained
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