Friday, September 4, 2020
PESTEL Analysis Of Tune Hotels UK
PESTEL Analysis Of Tune Hotels UK The lodging business inside the United Kingdom is an exceptionally serious market with a wide range of inn associations, for example, Tune Hotels, each attempting to offer something novel, attractive and productive. It is along these lines significant for associations inside this industry to remain continually mindful of the outer components that might influence their presentation and efficiency. In this report I will distinguish and clarify the key political, efficient and socio-demographical factors that are as of now having an impact upon the business; these are three headings inside a PESTLE investigation. PESTLE examination is a device that can help associations when causing procedures by helping them to comprehend the outside condition in which they work in the present and future (Renewal Associates, 2003). When I have done this I will at that point draw upon my examination and close with my musings and suggestions about the proposed UK development of Tune Hotels. The UK Hotel Industry With respect to most business associations, it has been an intense time monetarily because of the ongoing worldwide downturn; be that as it may, as per an article on, things are searching up for the inn business. Regardless of the downturn, the UK lodging industry is proceeding to extend, with more than 10,400 rooms opening in 2010 and a further 43,000 for the period 2011-2015.'(Hotel Construction, 2010). The article proceeds to specify how purchasers are basically selecting ease, spending plan marked inns, for example, Tunes, during this season of monetary vulnerability. World of politics The world of politics is a territory that business associations need to screen continually as legislative issues can be entirely eccentric and compelling now and again. (Palmer, A. Hartley, B. 2006, P7-8) This is on the grounds that administrations have the ability to present enactment and guidelines that may profoundly affect associations. While the UK is a moderately free market, the administration will in any case keep a nearby on what is happening in the private part to guarantee that organizations are working inside the eventual benefits of the nation. These are only a portion of the political variables that may affect the UKs inn industry: * Digital Economy Act 2010 The Digital Economy Act 2010 is a demonstration of parliament which was set up predominantly to diminish the measure of illicit record sharing and copyright encroachments that right now happens in todays advanced society. Anyway this has been met by savage analysis from foundations, for example, lodgings, that offer free Wi-Fi web associations problem areas. On the off chance that inns visitors overstep this law while utilizing the inns association, at that point the lodging is, at last, considered capable and thusly face the chance of having their web association incapacitated by the specialist organization (Benson, P. 2010). This may place inns in a dilemma as they should choose whether or not to begin charging for the comfort of web availability; which could put likely clients off. * New Immigration Policies New migration arrangements from the alliance government have caused some worry for the UK cordiality industry. Tops on movement outside of the European Economic Area could disregard the issue of abilities deficiencies in the UKs accommodation division, guarantee the Recruitment and Employment Confederation, who proceed to state: Apart from operational jobs, for example, cooks and bar staff, a lack has been featured in the executives aptitudes. Deficiencies in the UK advertise keep on existing with just 10 percent of inn administrators and six percent of café and providing food chiefs having capabilities at administrative level (, 2010). Monetary Environment * Crowded Market There is right now much rivalry for Tune in the UKs spending lodging market right now, particularly in London. Brands, for example, easyHotel, Travelodge and Premier Inn all offer a comparable support of that of Tune Hotels, however at lower costs; and some of them offer additional items, for example, towels inside the room cost. Travelodge presently offers rooms at a special cost of 19 and, similar to the Premier Inn chain, their rooms are family-accommodating and they give most additional items for nothing out of pocket, states Susannah Streeter (2010). * Increase in UK the travel industry spending The expansion in UK guests comes after the downturn and the fall in sterlings esteem against the euro and dollar hindered Britons from making abroad outings. Subsequently, spending by visitors in the city hit a record 10.5billion (Sri Carmichael, 2009). This is incredible news for the inn business. * VAT Increase As the alliance government begin to follow up on the UKs spending shortfall, the ongoing VAT increment from 17.5% to 20% will no uncertainty put more strain on the shoppers discretionary cashflow and put more strain on people groups financial plans. Lisa Francesca Nand (2011) states that the expansion will debilitate spending and stop UK-based visitors and abroad guests the same. Anyway there are positives that can be drawn from this VAT increment for certain organizations. Such increments will keep on occupying clients from profoundly evaluated inns with underutilized offices as Mark Lankester recommended in the Tune Hotels Press Release (2010). Individuals will be searching for less expensive No decorations convenience, for example, Tune Hotels. The minimal effort, constrained help plan of action has been a demonstrated accomplishment over the recent years with in different enterprises associations, for example, AirAsia, a member organization of Tune Hotels, flauntin g achievement. Socio-Demographic Environment * London 2012 Olympics The London 2012 Olympic Games have justifiably been depicted as a chance of a lifetime for the UK accommodation industry by inn The games will get a deluge of individuals from everywhere throughout the world to London which will without a doubt mean expanded interest for inns. Anyway I believe that this will just bring restricted custom for Tune Hotels; as the games are loosened up over a fourteen day time frame, I imagine that the individuals who are remaining in London for several days will be more than content with the administration that Tune Hotels give as an agreeable bed and a hot shower is all that a great many people require during a short lodging remain. Then again, I think long-stay guests will be put off by the failure to spending plan under the compensation as-you-use framework worked by Tune Hotels. * Location is significant inside the lodging business, much more so with the London 2012 Olympics around the bend. Inns in London should be near vehicle connections, attractions and different pleasantries so as to attract a sound quantities of clients as no one needs an inn excessively far away from their ideal area. This is an expected issue for Tune Hotels and their proposed UK development as there could be some trouble in finding proper destinations for their aggressive figure of fifteen lodgings in a previously immersed advertise. Suggestions and end All things considered I think Tune Hotels have a genuinely decent possibility of making the UK extension a triumph with their low costing plan of action, especially with the Olympics not too far off and the expanded interest for inn settlement in London that the games will create. In any case, I figure it would be savvy for Tune to offer a motivating force or extraordinary Olympic bundle to expected visitors during the games to bait them away from rival lodgings; a comprehensive alternative for the visitors remaining for longer periods, possibly? In any case, I think fifteen inns is a little goal-oriented in the serious wilderness of London and Mark Lankester should consider bringing down his yearnings marginally to and begin discussing increasingly practical numbers like five or six. This would mean Tune could focus on having fewer lodgings in progressively alluring spots rather than an enormous number of inns in less looked for after areas. The extension would likewise make various occupations for the individuals of the UK
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Balance between wireless security and performance Thesis Proposal
Harmony between remote security and execution - Thesis Proposal Example This physical association is effortlessly recognized and can be followed to the busybody. This thus has caused the remote security to be under investigation since it neglects to offer the proper security. The security hazards that go with the remote condition are very uncovering. The measure of security that ought to be joined in the framework regularly relies upon the size and the idea of data being dealt with by the association just as on the gadgets being utilized (Dawoud 56). The as a matter of first importance route is to keep up a full comprehension of that specific systems topology. This comprehension is significant as it makes an improvement to the framework plan at whatever point the need emerge. These upgrades are significant in streamlining of the exhibition of that framework. This is significant particularly where there is occasional appraisal of the security controls and their presentation (Hirani 39). This exploration will look to think of a method of making sure about the remote system and improve the security levels to fulfillment. The examination will propose gadgets that will likewise help the versatility for the remote gadgets. Numerous researchers have thought of compositions evaluating the exhibition of remote gadgets. They have concocted methods of keeping up the remote systems just as how to make the equivalent. Keeping up a protected system ought to be a nonstop movement that props up on. It ought to be evaluated normally regarding execution and if there is have to overhaul or improve the innovation that is being utilized (William 78). Keeping inventories of the types of gear that are utilized in that remote system is likewise a decent method of guaranteeing execution. Moreover, having back up for the exchanges and the interchanges is additionally critical to make sure about the framework (Erica et al. 44). There ought to be a wide utilization of characteristic security highlights. A case of these
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Austria And Prussia 1815 - 1850 :: essays research papers
How did the connection among Austria and Prussia create after 1815 and before 1850? Â Â Â Â Â The connection among Austria and Prussia built up a ton during the time of financial riches, upset and war. Numerous administrations were reestablished in Europe (after the overcoming Napoleon). Real government was set up importance the genetic decision families would be reestablished to their old seats. This was concurred mostly in light of the fact that it was viewed as a progressively steady and reasonable framework fit to harmony. Additionally Metternich, the Austrian Chancellor, considered it to be a valuable method to keep the Russians and Prussian from increasing additional domain. It was likewise hard for the Russians and Prussians to contend it since it was their own framework. The rule was not applied generally and both Austria and Prussia endured in light of the fact that their beneficiaries were intellectually insecure and who in actuality were distraught. The Tsar set forward a proposition at the Congress that the Great Powers of Russia, Austria and Prussia ought to consent to act mutually, utilizing power if vital, to reestablish any administrations which had itself been toppled forcibly. This was known as the Protocol of Troppau. This was an extremely unfortunate to the nonconformists and patriot wherever who were attempting to set up a superior framework. Â Â Â Â Â The thrashing of Napoleon was an extraordinary support to patriotism, and the possibility of a free joined Germany had a passionate intrigue. This was engaging numerous youthful college understudies, who regularly communicate in sentimental, energetic and illogical ways. The Carlsbad Decrees was set up to implement press restriction, disbanded understudy social orders, and acquaint a commission with research progressive developments The arrangement of the Zollvein Union was one of the absolute first genuine advances that individualize Prussia from the other German states. Prussia expanded their monetary initiative, particularly as she had effectively barred Austria from the Zolleverin, however in spite of the fact that Austria despite everything held political administration in Germany. This relationship significantly isolated Austria and Prussia. One significant issue emerged where the relationship of Austria and Prussia ought to have shared impact in the brought together German Confederation or to have just Prussia as the significant force speaker for Germany. The parliament was isolated by various portions of individuals who some needed a Grossdeutshland (Great Germany) which would remember Austria for to the brought together Germany and some who needed a Kleindeutshland (Little Germany) which would reject Austria and incorporate the entire of Prussia. The Zollverin support the development of railroads, enhancements in street and in this manner start the Industrial Revolution.
Euthanasia Essays -- essays papers
Willful extermination Willful extermination, explicitly intentional killing has been a no-no subject for a long time in this, and different nations. Willful extermination, as characterized by the Oxford English Dictionary †achieving of this, particularly on account of hopeless and excruciating infection originates from the Greek word euthanatos, which means †a delicate and simple passing. It is ordinarily known as death with pride given to the individuals who need the decision to pass on. Nobody can forestall passing. The can just draw out it. Numerous individuals request their doctors to help in the snappy and simple demise. Specialists, mindful of morals of their picked calling, and results of their activities, particularly misbehavior suits, regularly deny the solicitation ( Automatic willful extermination evacuates those individuals with a low quality of life. Those individuals ought to reserve the privilege to pass on without wanting to, contend some human servic es suppliers. Eventually, if no composed living will has been left, the choice should fall on that person’s family. Medicinal services suppliers proclaim that if an individual has low quality of life and their life does not merit living, they ought not be given lifesaving treatment, paying little heed to the family’s feeling. They bear witness to that they reserve the privilege to deny treatment mentioned by a patient in the event that they think it is unhelpful for them, regardless of whether the patient wishes to have proceeded with life. The physician’s job is to make a determination, and sound decisions about clinical treatment, not whether the patient’s life merits living. They have a commitment to perform adequate consideration, not to forgo giving the patient food and water until that individual bites the dust. â€Å"Lucid people presumably can't envision what forceful estimates they would need for themselves should they become psychotic ...ought to permit the medicinal services group to settle on one-sided choice to retain CPR from seriously maniacal patients...because of low quality of life††Dr. Donald Murphy of George Washington University Medical Center ( The â€Å"lucky†ones who discover a spot in a hospice (palliative consideration community) have a quiet, effortless, noble, simple passing. Patients with certain types of malignant growth, stroke, joint pain, and AIDS discover there are no medicines or remedies for their infirmities. It is a capital punishment. In the event that an individual feels that every clinical treatment have been depleted, they ought to have the option to mak... is fundamental in outrageous instances of genuine, serious maladies, which cause an exceptional measure of torment and languishing. Not exclusively will the patient endure the experience, so will the individual's family. Each case must be analyzed altogether, obviously. A patient is snared to life-supporting hardware, for example, a respirator for 2-3 years or significantly more. Who pays for it? Citizens pay for it. Who needs to keep an eye on that individual? Generously compensated medicinal services suppliers keep an eye on that quiet. Who pays for their time? Citizens do. Is there any desire for recuperation? If not, let that patient pass on calmly. Our nation must stick to this same pattern with Holland's moral rules concerning killing. Laws and resolutions are changed ordinary. Ideally soon we will see an official choice on this issue. Book index 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Spanish Civil war guide to writing essay :: essays research papers
Dull RIVER DARK MOUNTAIN Our consideration was abruptly gotten by the action close to the shooters cottage. A van had halted and a gathering of men were lifting out a great deal of hardware.      I believed that the men must be here to open the cavern, which had been shut for a long time now. The men, with their gear, set out toward the cavern. I realized that in spite of the fact that they were experienced, it would be exceptionally difficult to get into the whole cavern, as it was through extremely little openings and holes.      The Major, myself and a couple of others strolled behind the men, gradually. While strolling, I thought of Marthe, being removed from the cavern after such a large number of years. I saw Marthe in my mind as though it was very few years prior. We at long last arrived at the cavern and everybody there accumulated round to watch.      The men were prepared to open the cavern, my cavern, or possibly it used to be my cavern. As they entered the cavern, I recollected when I last observed and addressed Marthe. As I was thinking about her, I likewise thought of when I contacted her deliver the cavern. Thinking about her so much very resentful me.      Suddenly I recalled Marthe’s mystery. Nobody else knew, in spite of the fact that they may have suspected, yet Marthe was the government agent and she used to support the remote parachutists.      I told the men that I had found the cavern and that it would be simpler on the off chance that I indicated them the path as I had been previously and I was additionally a prepared pot-holer.      I entered the cavern with the men behind me. We strolled along quietly until we arrived at where I had last contacted Marthe. We as a whole halted and the men looked down to where Marthe was nevertheless nobody could see without question. I put a light on and guided it down the hole toward see the most ideal approach to get down. Following a couple of moments, I disclosed to the men what we ought to do and they began to tie ropes and set themselves up. As the men went down, individually, I, once more, thought of Marthe. At long last, it was my chance to drop myself down through the cavern. I went down gradually. At the point when I arrived at the base, I glanced around and as I moved the light of my light, I could hear bats flying around.      The men spread out searching for any indications of Marthe.
Thursday, August 6, 2020
In a little while, Ill be gone
In a little while, Ill be gone DID YOU KNOW? The late Strom Thurmond filibustered the Civil Rights Act of 1957 by speaking in from of the Senate for 24 hours and 18 minutes consecutively. The bill came up for vote andpassed immediately afterwards. and honestly, that while is just a bit too little. Anyway, after three days of finals I packed my entire life into about twelve boxes and moved back to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Im here for three days trying to get my bearings, shop for travel-appropriate items, and see every single person that I ever knew in high school. On Monday Im headed for the airport in Philadelphia, and from there Ill be in the aeroplane over the sea bound for GERMANY!! Ill be blogging again soon. Probably from GERMANY!! To entertain you, though, here are a few random finals quotes that I can recall: Do you remember 8.02? The night before the test we were studying and Justin looked right at me and said, Whats Gausss Law?' I totally didnt study for this exam Ive only been looking at the material for about four hours. I KNOW! I fell asleep at 12 and didnt wake up until 5! Im such a slacker! Did you finish [the 10.37 exam]? No but I feel like I could have if I were smart. Good answer. Well, thats more than I can say about 10.32. Can you believe that they got Wolfgang Puck, Toni Braxton, and Prince on the American Idol finale?
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
Write A Research Paper Discussing Social Informatics - 550 Words
Write A Research Paper Discussing Social Informatics (Research Paper Sample) Content: [Your Name][Instructor Name][Course Number][Date]Social InformaticsThe study of the information and communication tools that interact and with our cultural or institutional context is called social informatics. They help examine the impacts of computerization and in matters of use of information in the contexts of social change, the organization change and the influence that are propelled by social forces and social practices.An article by Steven Sewer (Informing Science) states in one of his findings that ICT use can lead to multiple and often paradoxical effects that lead to intended and unintended consequences. For example a department that embraces information communication technology that is introduced to it can develop and improve its consistency and effectiveness. With time the staff in the department get used to the ICT systems and rely fully on the systems for everything they do. Due to lack of maintenance and upgrade of the system of the ICT infrastructure l eads to breakdown of the system or unreliability. With this kind of situation and unreliability the de...
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Biology Assignment Gene Therapy - 1476 Words
Gene Therapy Biology Assignment FINAL COPY By Hunter Alker 9S For countless generations, genetic diseases have been ruining people’s lives with these abnormal conditions being able to severely mutilate, disable or kill them. Genetic illnesses are most commonly due to mutations in the DNA sequence that occurs during replication or due to environmental factors such as radiation. [10] Though an affected patient might not have to live with their illness for their whole life as the human genome has the ability to be changed [10], therefore, allowing an opportunity for treatment. Research and advancements in technology have allowed numerous different methods of treatment for affected patients to be discovered which have dramatically changed our†¦show more content†¦Having a cure for genetic diseases would be a significant progress in the field of medicine. [3] In the years around 1960-1970, the idea of gene therapy had been arising as a possible solution to curing some genetic disorders, although reliable data about the safety and consequences of the process were still being debated. In 1890, the NIH Clinical Centre housed the first patient to be treated with gene therapy, a four-year-old girl who suffered from a disorder called adenosine deaminase (ADA). The girl’s white blood cells were taken away and then infused with the correct gene. [2] This treatment was undertaken repeatedly for two years and when the gene therapy had ceased the patient’s health had significantly increased and the presence of the ADA enzyme had decreased dramatically. Around the same time, a nine-year-old girl also with ADA received the same treatment with similar results. [4] After these early successful treatments using gene therapy, scientists then used this method of genetic engineering to remedy babies with this disease before expanding to the t reatment of other diseases. Originally, our understanding of genetics was commonly utilised in the form of genetic testing which allowed scientists to identify and diagnosis genetic disorders and diseases by observing chromosomes, genes and proteins. This limited out knowledge toShow MoreRelatedDiscoveries In Dna Essay1188 Words  | 5 Pages Alaiah Andrews Bio1020 S03 Week 5 Assignment 2 06/06/2017 Discoveries in DNA, cell biology, evolution, biotechnology have been among the major achievements in biology over the past 200 years with accelerated discoveries and insights over the last 50 years. Consider the progress we have made in these areas of human knowledge. 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Monday, May 18, 2020
Love in The Importance of Being Earnest Essay - 879 Words
Love in The Importance of Being Earnest Love is perhaps the most actively sought moral objective of ones life. And though marriage is often thought to be the logical consequence of love, it is Oscar Wildes contention in his satire, The Importance of Being Earnest, that love begets bliss and marriage thwarts this course of bliss. Algernon Moncrieff spends very little time falling in love and the rest of the time striving toward engagement. Wilde demonstrates through him that once one becomes intent upon achieving a goal, the individuals motivation becomes a matter of action rather than truth. Algernon is no longer driven by a moral objective; instead, he becomes intent upon achieving a societal standard. The truth is rarely pure,†¦show more content†¦Upon initially hearing about Cicely, Algernon is intrigued. She is no more than a name on a cigarette case. After intense probing, Jack discloses Cicelys identity. Algernon then tells Jack, I would rather like to see Cicely (51). She suddenly becomes more of a name to Algernon, and he begins to pursue her as more than a person; she becomes his moral objective. When Jack reveals to Gwendolen his address in the country, Algernon secretly writes the address on his shirt-cuff (53) in hopes of going to meet Cicely. Shortly after his first encounter with her, he reveals to Jack, I am in love with Cicely, and that is everything (71). This newfound love is his truth. He admits to her, Cicely, ever since I first looked upon your wonderful and incomparable beauty, I have dared to love you wildly, passionately, devotedly, hopelessly (73). Yet Algernon quickly abandons the truth imbedded in love, his moral objective, and instead opts for convention. I dont care for anybody in the whole world but you. I love you, Cecily. You will marry me, wont you? (74). The irony displayed through Algernons self-contradiction is the pivotal progression that eventually results in Wildes intended resolution of the play Algernon reveals he simply wanted to be engaged to Cecily (88) to Jack, who quickly dismisses him. There isShow MoreRelatedThe Importance of Being Earnest, Love and Marriage762 Words  | 4 PagesThe Importance of Being Earnest â€Å"The Importance of Being Earnest†is a play written by Oscar Wilde in the late 1800s. The story takes place in late Victorian England, where two young gentlemen take on the same pseudonym â€Å"Earnest†in order to escape reality when needed and to satisfy their lovers. It is a humorous story about how the fake personalities clash with each other and cause complications. A central theme and topic in the play is love and marriage. It is a primary force motivation the plotRead MoreThe Importance Of Being Earnest759 Words  | 4 PagesThe Importance doesn’t Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde is a satire, comedy play of the Victorian Age. The Importance of Being Earnest follows two main characters, Earnest and Algernon, who live double lives. During his play Wilde makes fun of some of the standards and the way of life during that time. One of the common traits of the time was deception. Wilde’s play has a common occurrence of deception through the play†™s plot line, trivial lies, and a character’s point of view on deception. Wilde’sRead MoreEssay on The Comedic Element in The Importance of Earnest582 Words  | 3 Pageshave more importance in the world than they do. On any given night if someone were to watch the news or read the newspaper they would see just how dire and depressing the world actually is. It is important to take the time now and then and have a good laugh to ease the tension that the news can cause. Oscar Wildes The Importance of Being Earnest is a witty and amusing comedy which conveys real life everyday themes such as real love as opposed to selfish love, religion, marriage, being truthful andRead MoreTo what extent do you think The Importance of Being Earnest is only a comedy of manners?1475 Words  | 6 PagesThe importance of Being Earnest is a comedy of manners, as it explores codes of upper and middle class society. For example,I dont play accurately - any one can play accurately - but I play with wonderful expression.. However, The Importance of Being Earnest has other types of comedy, such as, comedy of humours and farce. Comedy of humours focuses on a character of range of characters, who have an over riding trait or humour that dominates their personality. For example, Algernon’s greed. FarceRead MoreOscar Wildes the Importance of Escape759 Words  | 4 Pages The Importance of Escape Oscar Wilde’s play entitled â€Å"The Importance of Being Earnest†illustrates the concept of dual personality, fantasy, love, and lies. Jack, Algernon, Gwendolyn, and Cecily all live in lies. They are manipulated by their fantasies and desire for perfect relationship and love. Jack, the protagonist in the play, is the root of lies because of his imaginary brother named Earnest. Algernon uses the name to win Cecily, while Gwendolyn and Cecily are both fascinated by thisRead More The Double Life in The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde1347 Words  | 6 PagesThe Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde The Importance of Being Earnest appears to be a conventional 19th century farce. False identities, prohibited engagements, domineering mothers, lost children are typical of almost every farce. However, this is only on the surface in Wildes play. His parody works at two levels- on the one hand he ridicules the manners of the high society and on the other he satirises the human condition in general. The characters in The Importance of Being EarnestRead More The Importance of Being Earnest Essay1376 Words  | 6 PagesOscar Wilde’s The Importance of Being Earnest is a timeless comedy of manners in which two young, light-hearted men, pretend their names are ‘Ernest’ in a bid to impress their love interests, who both believe the name Ernest bestows magical qualities on the possessor. Throughout the play, Wilde uses a mix of social drama, melodrama and farce to appeal to the audience. Through his gentle use of parody Wilde is able to ridicule his contemporaries and a ttack the values and attitudes of Victorian societyRead MoreThe Importance Of Being Earnest By Oscar Wilde1438 Words  | 6 PagesThe Importance of Being Earnest was one of the best comedy manner plays I have read thus far. The play was written by Oscar Wilde, which happened to be the best masterpiece he has ever written out of all four of his stage comedies. The Importance of Being Earnest was first published in 1899. This play was a self-parody and unreliably explanation on the dramatic farce genre for Wilde. This play is a comedy of manner during the Victorian Age. The Victorian Age was a period of peace and sensibilityRead MoreThe Double Life in the Importa1372 Words  | 6 Pagesin The Importance of Being Earnest The Importance of Being Earnest appears to be a conventional 19th century farce. False identities, prohibited engagements, domineering mothers, lost children are typical of almost every farce. However, this is only on the surface in Wilde#8217;s play. His parody works at two levels- on the one hand he ridicules the manners of the high society and on the other he satirises the human condition in general. The characters in The Importance of BeingRead MoreThe Influence Of Victorian Society On Relationships And Marriage1642 Words  | 7 Pagesof Victorian Society on Relationships and Marriage Marriage was of utmost importance during the 1830’s to the 1900’s. The â€Å"ideal†relationship had been searched for by both men and women using the standards that the commonwealth had created. When reading Oscar Wilde’s â€Å"The Importance of Being Earnest†and associating it to society’s expectations for both genders throughout the Victorian era, people are depicted as being very effected and influenced by the set rules and boundaries. Using the theme
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Half the Sky Documentary Evaluation - 1025 Words
Half the Sky is a movie that discusses the oppression of women around the world. It brings to light the issues that, even in todays society, are still occurring. Women, young adults, and children everywhere in the world are becoming victims to abuse, rape, and being deprived of getting an education. This film documents Nikolas Kristof going around the world with the help of well known people in America to show some of the issues and some organizations that are working to change the way society views women and children. Early in the documentary a shocking statistic was given. It stated that around 60 million to 100 million females are currently missing out of the population. Where are all of these women going, and how are we letting this†¦show more content†¦We need people within the culture to empower others in that society to speak up and gain more followers. Secondly, we need to train societies to prosecute and investigate these crimes more thoroughly. If these countries d ont have a strong justice system no changes can be made when those committing the crime dont see it as a crime. Thirdly, we need to educate children. Girls are likely to drop out of school at an age of fourteen or before to work for their family, whereas boys are likely to drop out at sixteen. Building an educated generation will help because then they can get a career and will not be caught in poverty like so many generations before them. Lastly, we need to bring all of these issues to light in countries that can help. We need more Americans to become aware of these issues, and reach out to help make them better. Nikolas Kristof said in Half the Sky, Once people pay attention, thats the first step towards a solution. All of this relates to sociology in many ways. One of the main ways it relates is because you see how something so looked down upon in one culture can be so socially acceptable in another culture. When somebody is accused and prosecuted for rape in America they are p ut in jail for a long time, and receive consequences for their actions. If you go to say Sierra-Leone, or Cambodia the person accused of rape will almost 100% of the time walk away with no consequences.Show MoreRelatedPolitical Art Essay1400 Words  | 6 Pagesfor a good cause. Goya was one of the first artists to portray the true horrors of war. He became deaf halfway through his lifetime, which increased his understanding of emotions and expressions and his reliance of his other senses. Relying on documentaries and second hand accounts of war, Goya developed artworks of scenes of the Spanish revolution. He was unable to release his artworks until 8 years after the war, due to the fear of being executed, the fear that was created because of war. 3rdRead MoreAssassination of John F. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Native American Culture Of Native Americans - 1335 Words
Every country and nation has they own special festivals and music, and Native American is no exception. First, the native music related many aspects such as ritual, life and work. They like to combine music with dance, and the Native American music always created rich percussion instruments. For example, the hand drum, log drum, water drum and rattle, etc. Powwow is an important festival and ritual for the Native American, and it is a symbol for the tradition culture of Native Indians. Powwow, is a social gathering by the Native American tribes, and they singing and dancing. Powwow is not only a method that the Native American expresses the enthusiasm of the life and peace, but also enhances the sense of identity and cohesion. Hence,†¦show more content†¦This means people have more entertainment programs and reward the winner from the competition. The most interesting part that I found was the dancing part. The Native Indian are always good at express their emotion through the dancing. Every tribe has they own way to express the reverence for natural, the delight of hunting and the desire of victory. These wonderful conversations between the Manitou and people, has formed the special art in the Native American. Certainly, there are music accompany with dances, and the instrument are contain spiritual symbol as well. For instance, drum plays an important role in the Powwow. The article â€Å"Without the drum, there would be no Powwow†mention that â€Å" Our drum has character, we have that powwow spirit, and people dance.†Drum is not only represent the core of Native people faith, but also is the heartbeat of the creator. Powwow drum are often make by circle, because circle stands for lifecycle. People surrounding and beat the drum, like the life turning and returning. Jingle dance song is one of the powwow music that I favorite. According to the textbook, there are two versions that described the origin of the Jingle Dress Dance. One is on United States Chippewa and the other one is from the Canadian Ojibway. This dance performed by female, and drum is played on the music. During the song, I can hear a leader man voice in the beginning, and drum beat accompany with male harmony. During listening the song â€Å"Jingle DressShow MoreRelatedNative American Culture781 Words  | 4 PagesNative American Culture Have you ever wonder how the world was created from another culture’s perspective? Native Americans used creation myths to explained to their people how the world was developed overtime. Creation myths are a big part of the Native American culture. they have been passed down from generation to generation. In the creation myths, harmony with nature, rituals, and strong social values are shown in each myths. The purpose of having strong social value in these myths is to teachRead MoreNative Americans And The American Culture1865 Words  | 8 Pagessubstantial number of Asian Americans immigrated to the United States. 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There are Native American culture, Mexican culture, Chinese culture, Korean culture etc. and there is no way to count all the cultures which exist in the US becauseRead MoreNative American Tradition Culture Of Native Indians1338 Words  | 6 Pagesand music, and Native American is no exception. First, the native music related many aspects such as ritual, life and work. They like to combine music with dance, and the Native American music always created rich percussion instruments. For example, the hand drum, log drum, water drum and rattle, etc. The Powwow is an important festival and ritual for the Native American, and it is a symbol of the tradition culture of Native Indians. Powwow, is a social gathering by the Native American tribes, and theyRead MoreNative American Art And The American Culture1252 Words  | 6 PagesNative american culture is packed with many different things. In this paper I will be writing about what I researched and found about Native American art. 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It is used in many different ways, such as expressing one’s feelings or through the use of self-expression. There are unique collection of instruments that are played in ceremonial events, recreation, and even through healing. Some of these instruments are drums, flutes, rattles, and other percussion instruments. The voice is also used quite a lot and may even be the most important one because it is the backbone of music made in Native American Cultures. Native AmericanRead MoreThe Culture and History of Native Americans763 Words  | 4 PagesNative American, or American Indians, have a rich culture comprised of struggle, strife and success. For this paper, i will discuss the Native American Culture and its history. History Spotted Tail, Lakota Sioux Chief stated: This war did not spring up on our land, this war was brought upon us by the children of the Great Father who came to take our land without a price, and who, in our land, do a great many evil things....This war has come from robbery from the stealing of our land. (LazarusRead MoreNative American Cultures And Societies1367 Words  | 6 PagesNative American cultures and societies were without a doubt dynamic. Each society and their culture were comprised of various aspects including: creation stories, morals, beliefs and overall ways of living. Native Americans would base their beliefs on scientific, religious, or mythological studies. Unfortunately, with each society’s different style of living, it would lead to the demise of many tribes. External structural forces are circumstances that are beyond our control. It contains larger forcesRead MoreNative Americans And Western Culture2900 Words  | 12 PagesNative Americans have an intimate relationship with the Earth that is very unusual to western culture. For centuries before the arrival of Europeans, Native Americans lived off the land in North America, without claiming ownership or creating massive environmental destruction. They have both a deep love and fear for the power of nature, and try to live as one with the environment. Because of this common value among tribes, Native Americans are often stereotyped as being the first environmentalists
Dr.Jack Kevorkian Free Essays
â€Å"Dr. Death†Dr. Jack Kevorkian Dr. We will write a custom essay sample on Dr.Jack Kevorkian or any similar topic only for you Order Now Jack Kevorkian was known as â€Å"Dr. Death†since at least 1956, when he conducted a study photographing patients’ eyes as they died. Results established that blood vessels in the cornea contract and become invisible as the heart stops beating. And he made a lot of other ways to make people like handicapped or anyone who suffer from anything in his life to kill himself, he claims to have assisted at least 130 patients to that end, and he famously said that â€Å"dying is not a crime†. People and the government disagreed with Dr. Kevorkian’s behavior for many several reasons. First his not a god to control the death of people to make them not feel pain and not to face their diseases and destroy them , he is like telling people that life is not worth living for and problems are not going to be solved except with death. In September of 1998 he videotaped the death of Thomas Youk; the tape was broadcast by CBS television’s 60 Minutes in November, what a cruel thing to videotape? The death of man and broadcast it on live T. V. This man made a hundreds of families miserable with his invention â€Å"Mercitron†(mercy machine). If he is deciding for people weather to live or die by acting if u don’t feel pain then live, if u experience death it will be much helpful and comfortable. Then what is the importance of god, I thought he was the one who knows who will die and when, and can make all of the people of earth die in one second and live in one second. There are only a few cases where someone is allowed to take a life and even these cases are not agreed upon. These cases could be in self defense or if someone is badly injured or sick and there is no medical care that could help him and living on even for a minute will cause suffering beyond imagination. But there has never been a case where some loco doctor wants to experiment death on other and people agreed with him. This must mean that this is one sick person and no one agrees with him because it is not human. Thank god of course that the U. S. Supreme Court ruled that Americans who want to kill themselves but are physically unable to have no constitutional right to end their lives. Kevorkian was sentenced to 10-25 years in prison, but was paroled in 2007, in failing health and nearing his own death by the order of god not by a machine. How to cite Dr.Jack Kevorkian, Papers
Principles of Management Service Operation-Samples for Students
Question: Identify and analyze an ongoing service problem or past failure for a real Organization that can be traced back to sub-optimal use of Operations Management. Answer: Ubers Management Problem Uber is an American private technology company that develops markets and operates the Uber car transportation and food delivery mobile apps in 633 cities globally. Drivers for Uber can use their own cars or rent cars to drive with Uber. The company has been a forerunner in the sharing economy and has been a subject of several disputes and legal actions. One of these includes the suing of its chief executive, Travis Kalanick, of fraud and other transgressions. Chief Executive Sued For Fraud. Travis Kalanick is the one responsible for conversion of Uber into a transportation colossal company and due to his actions; the investors expelled him as the CEO of the company, (Stone, 2017). One of Ubers largest investors, Benchmark, which is a Silicon Valley venture capital firm, filed a suit against Kalanick and accused him of fraud, breach of fiduciary and duty and a breach of contract. Benchmark, after supporting the Uber management for a very long time turned against the companys top ranks leaving the members of the board of directors in turmoil. (Slee, 2015). This is because they remained undecided on what to do and how to face the problem that the firm was causing. Benchmark owns a 13% stake in the company and a board seat but the influence of Benchmark on the board was eventually diminished, restricting the firm from accessing any information about the companys legal actions after the firms board representative exonerated himself from the board committee, which deliberated litigation issues. The firm insisted that Kalanick should be removed from the board of directors and it went ahead to publish an open letter to employees of Uber insinuating that the company held some dark secrets from them. (Damodaran, 2017). Questionable Management Style The management style of Travis was under criticism and after he lost temper in an argument with an Uber driver who had issues about his salary, he added some swearing comments that were unfortunately caught on video. Overall allegations about the corporate culture were made against the company and its board of directors met to hear about them. Among the allegations were that the workplace environment permitted harassment, bullying that was left uncontrolled and discriminations. After hearing all of these, the board decided to adopt a series of recommendations about the culture of the company from the former US attorney general Eric Holder and were undecided about what action to take concerning Kalanicks actions. In attempt to make things right the company hired a law firm to investigate, various complaints brought forward like sexual harassment and other deep-rooted cultural problems. After a former female Uber engineer published on a blog claiming her boss in a chain of messages had propositioned her on the very first day at work and that after taking the matter to her superiors, her grievances were ignored; the company set up a hotline specifically for complains and hired the firm to inspect those complaints. After separate investigations being conducted, the company fired 20 employees for harassment-associated cases, (Damodaran, 2017). Implications of the problem on customer expectations and organisational performance In a verdict that could have some implications on thousands of firms and the gig economy, a British tribunal ruled that Uber drivers should be given minimum wage, a holiday pay and be treated as employees. This was after two drivers presented their case to an employment tribunal claiming that the app was unlawfully treating them as self-employed individuals and therefore missing to provide certain rights. Uber has faced legal actions, protests and bans across the world including most of Europe and the United States. It was ruled that the drivers should be paid the minimum wage for those that are over 21 years. This ruling could have implications for many businesses across Britain and influence judges in those countries that Uber faces legal actions. It also could have several effects on employees that work for firms that deliver services and in the gig economy that includes individuals working for several employers day to day without having permanent contracts, (Slee, 2015). Implications of the problem on shareholder performance Because of the big scandal caused by its action towards Uber, Benchmark is now disadvantaged leading to one of the Uber backers, Shervin Pishevar and other investors asking Benchmark to sell its shares in Uber and leave the board claiming that its lawsuit against the Chief Executive was irrational, ruthless and culpably wrongheaded. (Ledlow, 2013) Mr Kalanick filed an opposition to the lawsuit and argued that it was founded on a personal and public attack on him. The suit included issues on how the CEO attained control of several Uber seats back in 2016. Benchmark claimed that those seats were achieved through deceitful cover-ups of information and material misstatements. The suit said that the objective of Kalanick is to fill the companys board with trustworthy associates for the purposes of clearing the way for his ultimate return as the CEO and protecting his previous conduct from inspection all to the disadvantage of the companys stakeholders, driver associates, employees and cus tomers, (Meyer,2016). How to Avoid Such Issues in Your Company Companies in order to avoid such incidents of corporate fraud suits should adhere to the principles of operations management such as organisation, the manufacturing processes have to be interconnected with all elements being predictable and consistent. This can be achieved through conducting annual audits to ensure there is complete honesty among the staff responsible for record and bookkeeping, (Heizer, 2016).The fundamentals principle is also applicable whereby a company should strictly adhere to the maintenance of records and disciplines. Surprise check-ups, independent checks on general performance, inventory counts and audits should be conducted to make sure that policies and procedures are adhered to and for maximum accuracy. When the company executives and managers exercise humility, they can in turn acknowledge their areas of weakness and try to get help instead of applying trial and error that could result into bigger consequences for the whole organisation. An anonymous rep orting mechanism such as an employee fraud hotline should be instilled so that cases such as harassment and others can be brought forward to the responsible personnel and addressed accordingly, (Galloway, 2014). New theories should be tested and new solutions sought for different situations and problems in the company, a learning organisation does not just stick to one mechanism or way of doing things but embraces change. Stable management will be achieved and employee performance improved through the causality principle application. Whenever there are signs of problems in the company among employees or even the management, they should be addressed to prevent the same problems from appearing repeatedly, (Raturi, 2015) References Damodaran, A. (2017). Narrative and numbers: The value of stories in business. New York City: Policy Press. Galloway, L. (2014). Principles of Operations Management: Thomson Business Press Heizer, J. H., Render, B. (2012). Principles of operations management: Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, Pearson Prentice Hall. Ledlow, G. R., Coppola, M. N. (2013). Service Operations Management: Theory, skills, and applications. Sudbury, Mass: Jones and Bartlett. Meyer, J. (2016). Uber-positive: Why Americans love the sharing economy. Bristol: Policy Press. Raturi, A., Evans, J. R. (2015). Principles of Operations Management: South Western College Publishing. Slee, T. (2015). What's yours in Mine: Against the sharing economy. Malden, Mass: Wiley-Blackwell. Stone, B. (2017). The Upstarts: How Uber, Airbnb, and the killer companies of the new Silicon Valley are changing the world. New York: Peter Lan
Friday, May 1, 2020
Structure and Features of CGC System
Questions: 1. Discuss the criteria to consider in specifying the structure and features of CGCs new system. 2. Identify the data that should be incorporated into CGCs new system to provide adequate planning capability. Explain why each data item it is important and the level of detail needed for the data to be useful. Answers: Introduction The company, Citizen Gas is one of the largest distributing and domestic gas supply companies in the United States. The company has its business operation activities, which includes the provision of the industrial and commercial gas supply forces. The company has been facing several difficulties during his business operations due to the inflation in the economy in the global market and the demand and supply of gas services in the United States ( 2016). The gas manufacturing company has been working on its service improvement activities by providing a better gas supply in the domestic and global market by considering the different market conditions and scenarios in automatic level. The overall business analysis of the company shows that the gas consumption of the consumers in the country has been increasing in the winter season when the total supplies of gas for the company is lowest at the point of time when the supply chain management is facing difficulties wi th the distribution cycle. The company Citizen Gas outsources its gas from the different pipeline enterprises based on the contract. Moreover, as per the demand the consumers, the company has been keeping the gas storage in its factory storage. The supply chain management related to the company and has been influencing the planning of the gas pipeline and which requires to be considered by the company in the future. The company is currently planning to reduce the constraints between the supply and demand of the gas products within the specified period. According to some situation analysis, it can be evident that if the company were able to handle the process of the supply and demand of the gas products in the domestic market, it would be able to create beneficial scenario in the global economy ( 2016). Owing to the mismanagement in the supply chain management of the company, it can be predicted that the demands of the consumer is relatively higher than the sup ply, which the company is incapable of fulfilling the demand of the products for the commercial and industrial consumers at the same time. This error has been a major cause where the company has been facing losses in the market. The company has appointed a director who would be responsible for all kinds of planning related to the corporate business environment in order to meet the demand and supply of the gas products in the market. The main objective of the project is to provide a business report based on the new demand and supply system to be introduced by the company in terms of preparing the appropriate monthly sheet with the support of the systemic decision-making process within specified period. Company background Citizen Gas Company has been one of the largest gas suppliers in the United States, which has been producing natural gas since its establishment in the financial year of 1887. This company has been initially operating by the public charitable trust for the benefits of the market consumers and society. The major business activity of the company has been engaged with the domestic customers who are the clients of the company and who utilizes natural gas for the household activities and commercial purpose industrial uses as well. According to the database, it can be evident that the company is holding maximum number of market share on day-to-day bases in the household consumer supplies the gas service supplies that the company has been providing. According to the database, it can be shown that they are having more than 1 lakh customer all around the country. Out of the regular customers, half of the population is domestic and household uses of the gas suppliers.Moreover, 38000 commercial customers and 2000 industrial customers who are holding by the customer base of the citizen gas company. Recently, the level of consumption that the gas supplies as provided by the company has been measured to be the highest for the house hold consumers. The main reason of the companies is to fulfill the promise of the trust in order to serve the communities and customers with unparalleled excellence and integrity. Moreover, the overall supply chain management activities of the company can be evident to be providing reliable services to their target customers with the proper management scenario. Structure of the company Figure 1: Business Structure of the company Source: ( 2016) The overall organisational structure of the company can be highly synchronization structure in order to enhance the business processes by focusing on the functional aspects relating to the companies it can be noted that the company has been under maintenance of charitable trust and there's no such interference for the business functions rated by the company within specified period time pointed by Jesus has been handling process of some other activities of the company. The various departments of the citizen gas company are comprised of sales and marketing department distribution and PR department Human Resource Department accounting and finance department as well these are some of the departments which details of the companies are hiring to record the chief executive officer of the company related to the business operations being performed by the companies with financial period the organisational structure of the company simple and proper organisational hierarchy has been implemented the manager's being appointed in his department of the company has been efficient in managing the responsibilities towards managing the operations at different department and performing at their optimal level for the growth of the business in the market. Business scope for Citizen Gas Company The company is associated with the business operations related to the natural gas service and the customer service activities in the local market. It should be noted that the company has not been able to capture the Industrial and commercial segments for their customers. Moreover, the company is getting supplies from 10 pipeline companies for the natural gas products (Attaran and Attaran 2012). The company has not been able to fulfill the customer service as there are no production activities as conducted by the company where in the company is planning to take the gas supplies from other merchant companies. The Citizens Gas Company has also been facing problem while fulfilling the demands of the customers. Owing to less supply chain production from the merchant pipeline companies, the Citizen Gas company is unable to supply Industrial and commercial segment of customers. This inability of the company in metering up with the demand of the customers has been the main reason for the los ses in respective of business operation activities where is it is unable to generate desired revenue from the supplier activities. From the analysis of the overall business activities of the company, Citizen Gas Company can be shown to be having scope of growth in the economy as it has been able to establish its gas pipeline and resource storage for providing instant natural gas supply to its active and potential customers (Seuring 2013). It should be also noted that the company is capable enough to plan an organisation facility in order to properly handle business operations white consultancy demand forecast and supplies for targeted customers. Current pipeline system for Citizen Gas Company Figure 2: Current pipeline system for Citizen Gas Company Source: Created by author The gas pipeline system of the company can be divided into three different supply levels viz., (i) purchasing gas from the direct supply of the natural gas to the target customers, (ii) directing supply of natural gas to the target customers and (iii) keeping storage services related to the purchase of the gas products (Poompipatpong and Ho 2013). The company has also made plans of making contracts with different gas pipeline companies for the next 5 to 15 years (Chen and Baldick 2012). The supply companies are bound with the contract for providing the gas storage to the company for the contract period. Most of the merchant companies are also bound with the contract for providing gas production in a fixed amount. The payment activities have been the major causes for losses for the company at the time when the demand for the gas is lower and the supply from the merchant companies is more. The second factor of collecting the resources for the companies requires the establishment of own storage facilities for supplying gas to the active and potential customers. The company has been facing problem in maintaining the products stocks for fulfillment of the demand for the customers. The company has also been keeping the production stocks while collecting the natural gas being provided by the merchant companies (Chen and Baldick 2012). The third factor is to provide the supplies of the natural gas products to the targeted customers. The company has been planning the supply of the products from different pipeline companies based on the actual demand to the customers. The company also provides services to the potential customers based on the supply of natural gas production related to the commercial and industrial customer segments (Monczka et al. 2015). Sales budget Month Sales figure residential (2015) Budgeted residential figure (2016) Sales commercial (2015) Budget commercial Sales industrial (2015) Budget industrial (2016) -2016 Jan $ 1,90,00,000.00 $ 2,00,00,000.00 $ 21,00,000.00 $ 20,00,000.00 $ 31,00,000.00 $ 30,00,000.00 Feb $ 1,70,00,000.00 $ 1,60,00,000.00 $ 11,00,000.00 $ 13,00,000.00 $ 11,00,000.00 $ 13,00,000.00 Mar $ 1,30,00,000.00 $ 1,40,00,000.00 $ 10,00,000.00 $ 14,00,000.00 $ 10,00,000.00 $ 14,00,000.00 Apr $ 1,40,00,000.00 $ 1,40,00,000.00 $ 21,00,000.00 $ 25,00,000.00 $ 21,00,000.00 $ 25,00,000.00 May $ 1,00,00,000.00 $ 1,00,00,000.00 $ 31,00,000.00 $ 35,00,000.00 $ 31,00,000.00 $ 35,00,000.00 Jun $ 1,10,00,000.00 $ 1,20,00,000.00 $ 29,00,000.00 $ 30,00,000.00 $ 29,00,000.00 $ 30,00,000.00 Jul $ 80,00,000.00 $ 1,10,00,000.00 $ 30,00,000.00 $ 45,00,000.00 $ 30,00,000.00 $ 45,00,000.00 Aug $ 1,00,00,000.00 $ 1,00,00,000.00 $ 31,00,000.00 $ 30,00,000.00 $ 31,00,000.00 $ 30,00,000.00 Sep $ 1,30,00,000.00 $ 1,20,00,000.00 $ 11,00,000.00 $ 25,00,000.00 $ 11,00,000.00 $ 25,00,000.00 Oct $ 1,20,00,000.00 $ 1,30,00,000.00 $ 10,00,000.00 $ 25,00,000.00 $ 10,00,000.00 $ 25,00,000.00 Nov $ 1,40,00,000.00 $ 1,50,00,000.00 $ 22,00,000.00 $ 20,00,000.00 $ 22,00,000.00 $ 20,00,000.00 Dec $ 1,50,00,000.00 $ 1,70,00,000.00 $ 33,00,000.00 $ 30,00,000.00 $ 33,00,000.00 $ 30,00,000.00 Total $ 15,60,00,000.00 $ 16,40,00,000.00 $ 2,60,00,000.00 $ 3,12,00,000.00 $ 2,70,00,000.00 $ 3,22,00,000.00 Total $ 22,74,00,000.00 Table 1: Sales budget forecast 2016 for the company Source: Created by author Purchase budget Month Purchase budget (2015) Actual sale (2015) Purchase budget (2016) Jan $ 2,00,00,000.00 $ 2,20,00,000.00 $ 1,80,00,000.00 Feb $ 1,60,00,000.00 $ 2,00,00,000.00 $ 1,70,00,000.00 Mar $ 1,40,00,000.00 $ 2,10,00,000.00 $ 1,60,00,000.00 Apr $ 1,40,00,000.00 $ 2,20,00,000.00 $ 1,50,00,000.00 May $ 1,00,00,000.00 $ 2,30,00,000.00 $ 1,70,00,000.00 Jun $ 1,20,00,000.00 $ 1,50,00,000.00 $ 1,80,00,000.00 Jul $ 1,10,00,000.00 $ 1,40,00,000.00 $ 1,50,00,000.00 Aug $ 1,00,00,000.00 $ 2,00,00,000.00 $ 1,50,00,000.00 Sep $ 1,20,00,000.00 $ 1,70,00,000.00 $ 1,20,00,000.00 Oct $ 1,30,00,000.00 $ 1,80,00,000.00 $ 1,30,00,000.00 Nov $ 1,50,00,000.00 $ 1,90,00,000.00 $ 1,40,00,000.00 Dec $ 1,70,00,000.00 $ 2,20,00,000.00 $ 1,60,00,000.00 Total $ 16,40,00,000.00 $ 23,30,00,000.00 $ 18,60,00,000.00 Table 2: Purchase budget forecast 2016 for the company Source: Created by author Expense budget Operating Expenses Actual Expense (2015) Budget expenses (2016) Difference Accounting $ 8,50,000.00 $ 6,50,000.00 $ 2,00,000.00 Marketing $ 15,00,000.00 $ 2,00,000.00 $ 13,00,000.00 Dues and Subscriptions $ 20,00,000.00 $ 2,20,000.00 $ 17,80,000.00 Depreciation $ 12,00,000.00 $ 9,50,000.00 $ 2,50,000.00 Insurance $ 28,00,000.00 $ 2,50,000.00 $ 25,50,000.00 Maintenance and Repairs $ 40,00,000.00 $ 2,80,000.00 $ 37,20,000.00 Interest Expense $ 78,00,000.00 $ 8,40,000.00 $ 69,60,000.00 Office Supplies $ 50,000.00 $ 30,000.00 $ 20,000.00 Rent $ 30,000.00 $ 30,000.00 $ - Payroll Expenses $ 7,00,000.00 $ 8,50,000.00 $ -1,50,000.00 Salaries and Wages $ 15,90,000.00 $ 15,90,000.00 $ - Web Hosting and Domains $ 11,00,000.00 $ 11,50,000.00 $ -50,000.00 Taxes and Licenses $ 2,00,000.00 $ 20,000.00 $ 1,80,000.00 Other $ 8,00,000.00 $ 1,20,000.00 $ 6,80,000.00 Total Operating Expenses $ 48,61,00,000.00 $ 4,68,80,000.00 $ 43,92,20,000.00 Table 3: Expense budget forecast 2016 for the company Source: Created by author Supply chain management activates The company is planning to organize a better gas supply pipeline process in order to target the customer segments such that to meet the specific demands on a specific period. Moreover, the company is also planning for creating storage facilities in order to store the raw materials and products from the different merchant companies for their potential customers within the given period. The higher database of the company for supply and demand is also required to be managed on a monthly basis (Zhu and Sarkis 2014). Besides, the company is also planning for expanding and incrementing the business plans as well. According to the new appointment director, the new supply chain management as designed would be fulfilling customer demand within the next 5 years. The Incredible initiative of the company would be helping in creating profitability in the future (Seuring 2013). Moreover, the future planning of the organisation is related to the storage planning within the coming financial year, wh ich would help in enhancing the financial scenario in the future. Evaluating planning capability of Citizen Gas Company It is very essential for the company to collect the database and restore the essential monthly sales and purchase data related to the application of contract with 10 different pipeline system such that to manage the demand of customers in the future (Winter and Knemeyer 2013). The three different kind of functional areas help in properly maintaining the correlation between the forecasted data in corresponding to the various attributes of the structure of the pipeline systems. The operational activities of the company would be helping in making it easier for the operational activities to abide by the total consumption of the gas products. The primary line of the customers of the Citizen Gas Company is residential with the highest supply demand (Joskow and Kahn 2012). The new structural information system would be helping the company in the proper management of the total demand and supply of gas products as required by the company to stock the same in its storage facilities (Winter and Knemeyer 2013). Conclusion The project report deals in illustrating the lack of proper storage facilities and planning of the Citizen Gas Company which has been making it incapable to capture the market. The company is also unable to fulfill the demand and supply of the customers in respective of the demand of the gas products. This is creating problematic situation for the company. The company has contracted with various merchant companies such that to provide gas products which is also not matching with the expected demand of the active and potential customers of the company. Moreover, in order to eradicate the issues, the company has appointed the director of the operational system who would be focusing on the total supply and demand of the organisation in the future. The project report deals in measuring and focusing on the current operational activities of the company such that to reduce the losses being incurred within the company during the specific period. References Attaran, M. and Attaran, S., 2012. Collaborative supply chain management: the most promising practice for building efficient and sustainable supply chains.Business Process Management Journal,13(3), pp.390-404. Chandrakar, R., 2012. Overview of green supply chain management: operation and environmental impact at different stages of the supply chain.International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology,1(3), pp.1-6. Chen, H. and Baldick, R., 2011. Optimizing short-term natural gas supply portfolio for electric utility companies.Power Systems, IEEE Transactions on,22(1), pp.232-239. Chopra, S. and Sodhi, M.S., 2014. Managing risk to avoid supply-chain breakdown.MIT Sloan management review,46(1), p.53. 2016.Citizens Energy Group - Home. Humphries, A. and Choi, T.Y., 2013. Toward a Theory of Multi Tier Supply Chain Management.Journal of Supply Chain Management,49(2), pp.58-77. Ipakchi, A. and Albuyeh, F., 2012. Grid of the future.Power and Energy Magazine, IEEE,7(2), pp.52-62. Joskow, P. and Kahn, E., 2012, July. A quantitative analysis of pricing behavior in California's wholesale electricity market during summer 2000. InPower Engineering Society Summer Meeting, 2012(Vol. 1, pp. 392-394). IEEE. Leat, M. and Hudson-Smith, M., 2012. Making connections: a review of supply chain management and sustainability literature.Supply Chain Management: An International Journal,17(5), pp.497-516. Lenny Koh, S.C., Baldwin, J. and Cucchiella, F., 2012. Natural resource based green supply chain management.Supply Chain Management: An International Journal,17(1), pp.54-67. Monczka, R., Handfield, R., Giunipero, L. and Patterson, J., 2015.Purchasing and supply chain management. Cengage Learning. Park, Y., and Roh, J.J., 2013. Supply chain lessons from the catastrophic natural disaster in Japan.Business Horizons,56(1), pp.75-85. Poompipatpong, C. and Ho, C.G., 2013. Performance and emissions of a heavy-duty diesel engine fuelled with diesel and LNG (liquid natural gas).Energy,53, pp.52-57. Seuring, S., 2013. A review of modeling approaches for sustainable supply chain management.Decision support systems,54(4), pp.1513-1520. Shahidehpour, M., Alabdulwahab, A. and Abusorrah, A., 2016. Electricity-Natural Gas Operation Planning With Hourly Demand Response for Deployment of Flexible Ramp. Stern, J., 2012. Security of European natural gas supplies.London, the Royal Institute of International Affairs. Tan, K.C. and Leong, G., 2015.Principles of supply chain management: a balanced approach. Cengage Learning. Winter, M. and Knemeyer, A.M., 2013. Exploring the integration of sustainability and supply chain management: Current state and opportunities for future inquiry.International Journal of Physical Distribution Logistics Management,43(1), pp.18-38. Zhu, Q. and Sarkis, J., 2014. Relationships between operational practices and performance among early adopters of green supply chain management practices in Chinese manufacturing enterprises.Journal of operations management,22(3), pp.265-289. Zhu, Q. and Sarkis, J., 2016. An inter-sectoral comparison of green supply chain management in China: drivers and practices.Journal of cleaner production,14(5), pp.472-486.
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Sociology of Sport The Bulls vs. the Nets on April 22, 2013
On April 22, 2013, the Brooklyn Nets met the Chicago Bulls during the NBA basketball game in the eastern conference playoff. This was the second game in the series, and the players and the audience focused on the game’s results in order to predict the success in the next games after the win of the Nets in the first game of the series.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Sociology of Sport: The Bulls vs. the Nets on April 22, 2013 specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The game was held at the Barclays Center in Brooklyn, New York. The Barclays Center can accommodate more than 18 thousands of spectators. The majority of seats were occupied with the teams’ fans. It is possible to note that the space and environments did not affect the behaviors of players or fans significantly because of rather comfortable conditions of the place. Nevertheless, it is necessary to concentrate on the atmosphere which can be discu ssed as rather tense because of the game’s significance and because of players and audience’s excitement associated with the starting games of the series. The fans of the Nets and the Bulls could be easily differentiated because of wearing the elements of the clothes and symbols with the teams’ main colours. The Nets’ fans represented the majority of the audience because of the specific place of the game to be held. The majority of the audience was the male public in different age categories, including students and middle-aged person. It is possible to assume that the audience included many representatives of the upper middle class with references to the teams’ status. The public wore a lot of symbolic elements of clothing that is why it was rather difficult to state the social status of fans referring to their dress. The Latin Americans and African Americans were presented at the game. The players of the Nets and the Bulls can be compared with the fans in relation to their age and race. Many players of two teams are African Americans in comparison with the racial division among the audience. Moreover, the middle age of players is not above 35 years when the middle age of the male audience can be discussed as above 37-38 years. It is necessary to concentrate on the specifics of the players’ communication during the game. The style of the players’ game was not aggressive, but the tension was observed. It is possible to refer to the reaction of Joakim Noah (the Bulls) to different technical elements of the game in the form of loud screaming and even roar (Joakim Noah’s roar, 2013). The public actively reacted to the behaviors of the players also with screaming. The ‘waves’ of screaming were observed as the reaction to the teams’ successes as well as faults.Advertising Looking for essay on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn M ore It was possible to observe the repeated behaviors of the fans when the groups of fans reflected the reactions of the other groups (Yiannakis Melnick, 2001). Any deviant behaviors expressed by fans were observed. However, it is necessary to note the highly competitiveness among the fans in relation to supporting the team with screams and claps. Definite types of ritualistic behaviors were observed when the fans of the same team greeted each other (Delaney, 2009). The special language is characteristic for the players, coaches, and commentators who use a lot of terms to describe the elements of the game. The fans are inclined to share specific knowledge about the results in the series of games, and about the players’ personalities and style of playing. References Delaney, T. (2009). The sociology of sports: An introduction. USA: McFarland. Joakim Noah’s roar. (2013). Web. Yiannakis, A., Melnick, M. (2001). Contemporary issues in sociology of sport. USA: Human Kin etics. This essay on Sociology of Sport: The Bulls vs. the Nets on April 22, 2013 was written and submitted by user Serenity Blevins to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Thursday, March 5, 2020
10 Types of Companies You Should Never Work For
10 Types of Companies You Should Never Work For In your job search, you will come across a wide variety of companies. Some will be better to work for than others. Some will suit your working style best. And some are best avoided entirely. Keep an eye out for companies to steer clear of completely, and learn to recognize them early- and save yourself some suffering and stress!1. The Revolving DoorKeep an eye out for companies with really high turnover, ones stuck in a hire-and-fire cycle and hunting for the same new roles every six months or a year. This is either the fault of a bad internal culture or fickle management. It’s bad news either way.2. The Group InterviewersSome companies like to save time by interviewing candidates in batches. If they can’t take the time to interview candidates one-on-one, they might not be for you.3. The Bad Culture/ReputationIf a company has consistently bad employee reviews, that’s a bad sign. Worse if the recruiter evades questions about employee satisfaction and culture. And if its reputation is bad? Well, it probably deserves it.4. The Glossy FakerThe website, materials, even the boss’s office are pristine. But the building itself, and every other office in it (mostly dark and dilapidated cubicles) seems overlooked and cluttered. This is a great sign of how this company treats their workers: badly.5. The Ghost CompanyThis company doesn’t give you anything to go on- no information about the job you are applying for, no organizational chart, no mission statement, no specified salary, and no other guidelines of any kind. This hint at a huge lack of organization, and does not bode well.6. The Non-TrainersIt’s one thing for a company not to offer formal training and to expect you to get up to speed through informal training. But a company that won’t help get you up to speed at all? Not investing in you, and not worth investing in!7. The Foot-DraggersYou expect have to wait to hear back. But if you’ve been in touch to re affirm your interest or with questions, or if you’ve gotten another offer and the company refuses to accelerate the process or give you an answer, run away.8. The Top DownStay away from companies where there are a ton of executives and managers making all of the decisions and doing all the brainstorming, but the rank and file employees are more or less overlooked.9. The Stagnant PondIf there are no learning opportunities advertised and the hiring manager evaded your questions about your career goals in the future, stay away. You want a company that will help you develop and advance in your goals- not a dead end job, no matter how much you like it now.10. The TitanicThis kind of company seems to have it all- except direction. If they cannot articulate long-term goals or future plans, then senior leadership isn’t disseminating what it needs to. That’s never a good sign.
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 64
Reflection - Essay Example Team Leader: Every team should have a leader to perform the function of motivation and to ensure that every member of the team is clear about the goals. This is essential to maintain concentration on the goals and to keep the team in a working position for acquisition of objectives (ANMC, 2006). Time Management: Time was always a limiting factor as workload was more due to involvement with other assignments and extensive materials to read while performing various online activities. This exerted a negative impact on our functioning. E.g meeting face to face on regular basis was essential to discuss the risks involved for Mrs Grenns, instead of utilizing email or WIKI based communication. The profession of nursing demands extensive teamwork not only for the purpose of providing treatment to patients, but also for conducting researches that are needed to improve therapy or other general healthcare related issues that need improvement. For this reason, ANMC has integrated Evidence-based practice competency in clinical practice to promote health care education and service. EBP plays an important role in clinical decision-making in modern health care setups (ANMC, 2006). EBP makes use of the best available evidence to improve patient outcomes and to provide best nursing services that are individualized and streamlined to provide maximum clinical benefits (ANMC, 2006). 3. Respect and Communication: Effective teamwork is limited if communication is poor. Members of a team who are either unaware of the importance of communication or are not willing to communicate with others often create hindrances in team development and hence progress. Barriers: Lack of familiarity with the WIKI site, lack of communication, non-existence of team leader and unclear goals are some of the factors that negatively impacted the success of team (World Health Organization,
Monday, February 3, 2020
Statistical Testing of the Impact of Working Hours and High-Risk Work Essay
Statistical Testing of the Impact of Working Hours and High-Risk Work Conditions on Injury - Essay Example Active work participation and good supervision are some of the important aspects in ensuring hazards are identified and tackled. Nevertheless, training workers is important so as to ensure that they are aware of ensuring safety in their workplaces. In this study, an investigation will be conducted in respect to the relationship between injury rates and different conditions in the workplaces. Although many organizations have some means of preventing and controlling hazards in workplaces, the effect of some conditions such as the total hours allocated for working and the impact of sensitization on high risk work places compared to less sensitization in low risk work places is ignored in many studies (Kennedy et al, 2010). Therefore, this study will investigate the impact that variation in the number of working hours and lack of protective sensitization in low risk workplaces, have on injury rates in workplaces. ... For the degree of risk involved at workplace and injury rates H0: The degree of risk involved is positively associated with the injury rates; H1: The degree of risk involved is negatively associated with the injury rates; These tests of validity for these hypotheses on the basis of results and conclusions reached in the following sections enables the researcher to establish the relationship between identified variables in this research. Method and Results The number of actual hours worked by all employees in the area/team for the 12 month period ending December 31, 2009 were taken and recorded in an excel spreadsheets. Also, operations for supervisors differed in terms of activities and risks. Risk ranged from low (1) office related to high (7) manual material handling activities. Table 1 Risk Range 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Low ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? High This data was taken and recorded in an excel worksheet as well. Finally, the average rate of injuries per 100 employees over 12 month period was r ecorded on the excel worksheets. Among these variables, the injury rate was taken as the dependent variable while the level of risk and hours worked was taken as the independent variables. The aim of the study is to find out the relationship between injury rate on the one hand and hours worked and risk, on the other hand. In other words, the researcher formulated a statistical model to find out whether the risk and hours worked can be used to predict the rate of injuries in workplaces. The data collected in the excel worksheets are then imported into an SPSS sheet for statistical analysis. The analysis conducted under SPSS includes both descriptive analysis and
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Quality Management Systems Of Dairy In India Environmental Sciences Essay
Quality Management Systems Of Dairy In India Environmental Sciences Essay In the new WTO led freer trade environment, Indian food industry can compete Globally only if it is price and quality competitive .Due to the liberalization of Indian economy and the onset of WTO regime, quality Competitiveness will matter most in Indian food industry. Hence serious consideration had given to quality issues in Indian food industries. The Indian government is motivating the dairy and other food processing industries for adoption of food safety and quality assurance mechanisms such as Total Quality Management (TQM) including ISO 9000, ISO 14000. Hazard analysis and critical control points (HACCP). Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), Good Hygienic Practices (GMP).And this essay also contains Indian Government Regulations in the Dairy Processing Sector. India has two types of sectors for the marketing of milk and its products, one is organized sector and another is unorganized sector. The unorganized sector accounts for 88% of total milk production in India and it includes marketing of raw milk and traditional products such as locally manufactured ghee, fresh cheese, and sweets. The organized sector accounts for 10-12% of total milk production in India and it includes the dairy cooperatives and organized private dairies which produces Western-style dairy processed products based on pasteurization. The share of organized sector in the total milk production handling is increasing by the years (FAO, 2002). India has now become the largest producer of milk in the world, with estimated production of about 81 million tons in 2001(FAO, 2002).Milk production in India accounts for more than 13% of the total world output and 57% of total Asias production. Top five milk producing nations in the world are India, USA, Russia, Germany and France ( After the formation of World Trade Organization(WTO), there were some instances where foreign buyers refused to accept Indian processed food products from Indian food processing industries which did not follow HACCP system.Due to this Industries which are exporting were paying lare amounts of money to foreign consultants for HACCP Implementation (CM, 1997).And also implementing HACCP system has become mandatory for food companies after the formation of World Trade Organization(WTO) and this is due to HACCP is recommended by the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) and the CAC recommendation has been approved by the Agreement on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS) reached under the signs of WTO (Satish Y. Deodhar, 2001). It is an international Body which was established by Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and World Health Organization (WHO) of the United Nations with an objective to protect the health of consumers and to ensure fair practices in the food trade. It gives specifications for International Standards for the safety and quality of food codes of good manufacturing practice. The Standards, guide lines and recommendations specified by Codex Alimentarius commission was recognized worldwide for international trade and negotiations and also for settling of disputes by WTO. (Source: GOVERNMENT OF INDIA OUTCOME BUDGET OF MINISTRY OF FOOD PROCESSING INDUSTRIES FOR 2008-2009) Government of India (GOI) Ministry of food processing industries Financial Scheme for Quality Assurance, Codex Standard 2008-2009. Objectives of this Scheme: 1. Motivating the food processing industries in order to adopt food quality and safety assurance systems such as Total Quality Management (TQM) which includes ISO 9000, ISO 14000 and safety assurance systems such as Hazard analysis and critical control points (HACCP),Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and Good Hygienic Practices (GMP). 2. To make the food processing industries ready to face them to global competition in international trade after the WTO formation. 3. To prepare the food processing industries in such a way that itv will stick to strict quality in hygiene norms. 4. Enhaning the product produced by food processing industries which will accept by overseas buyers. 5. To prepare Indian food processing industry in technologically up to date which will practice international best practices. The Scheme included the following activities: 1. Total Quality Management (TQM). 2. Promoting of Quality Assurance / Safety Concept. 3. Bar Coding. 4. Strengthening of Codex Cell. 5. Upgrading Quality Control Laboratories. 6. Research Development Programmes for food processing industry 1. Total Quality Management (TQM) Ministry of Food Processing Industries (GOI) is running a Plan Scheme which is promoting food processing industries to adopt food quality and safety assurance systems such as ISO 9000, ISO 14000, Hazard Analysis and Critical points (HACCP), Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), Good Hygienic Practices (GHP) .And it has assisted 10 food processing units to implement the HACCP, IS09000, GMP, GHP practices during the year 2007-2008. 2. Setting Up/Up gradation of Quality Control Laboratory Strengthening or Setting up or Networking of laboratories will help in introduction of quality and safety systems in food processing industries and maintaining quality of the product at every level of production. Ministry of Food Processing industries (GOI) has started a plan scheme for setting up/ up gradation of quality control laboratory with objectives like ensuring adoption of National food standards, assisting food industries to develop and implement quality management systems such as ISO9000, HACCP etc., analyzing the samples received from food processing industries, and other stake holder and training in the areas relating to quality improvement through own expertise. The Ministry of food processing industries (GOI) has approved financial assistance to the some organizations during the year 2007-2008 for setting up and up gradation of food testing laboratories like Maarc Lab private limited, Pune.,Council for Food Research and Development, Government of Kerala.,Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur.,Pradeshik Cooperative Dairy Fed. Ltd, Lucknow.,. AcharyaN.G. Agricultural University, Hyderabad and A.P. State Agro Industries Dev.Corpn.Ltd. Hyderabad. (Source: GOVERNMENT OF INDIA OUTCOME BUDGET OF MINISTRY OF FOOD PROCESSING INDUSTRIES FOR 2008-2009) Indian Government Regulations in the Dairy Processing Sector: Compulsory legislation 1. Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954 The Act was created in Indian Parliament in 1954 in order to prevent adulteration of food and it Rules were formed in the year 1955 .The PFA Act includes food standards, general procedures for sampling, analysis of food, powers of authorized officers, nature of penalties and other parameters related to food. It will give standards to food additives, preservative, coloring matters, packing labeling of foods, prohibition regulations of sales etc. Amendments are incorporated in PFA rules with the recommendation made by the Central Committee of Food Standards (CCFS) which has been setup by Central Government of India under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare comprising members from different regions of the country. The provisions of PFA Act and Rules are implemented by State Government and local bodies as provided in the rules. The provisions of the Act are mandatory and contravention of the rules can lead to both fines and imprisonment. (Source: 2. Milk and Milk Product Order (MMPO) The Govt. of India had announced officially the Milk and Milk Product Order (MMPO) 1992 on 9.06.1992 under the provisions of Essential commodity Act, 1955.According to this order any person or dairy plat handling more than 10000 liters per day of milk or 500 Million tons of milk solids per annum needs to be registered with the registering authority appointed by the Central Government of India. This order aims at to maintain and increase in supply of liquid milk of desired quality in the interests of the general public and also helps in for regulating the production, processing and distribution of milk and milk Products. So far suitable amendments were made by Government of India for this order from time to time in order to make it more liberal and oriented to facilitate the dairy entrepreneurs. The latest amendment was made on 26/03/2002. At present there is no restriction on setting up of new milk plant but requirement of registration is for enforcing the prescribed standards of qua lity and food safety. The salient features of the new amendments include sanitary, hygienic condition, quality, food safety issues and flexible inspection of dairy plant. (Source: 3. Standards on Weights and Measures (Packaged Commodities) Rules, 1997 These Rules species obligatory conditions should be maintained for all milk and milk products which are in packed form with respect to declarations on quantities contained. And they are operated by the Directorate of Weights and Measures, under the Ministry of Food and Civil Supplies (Government of India). 4. Export (Quality Control and Inspection) Act, 1963 This act was operated by Export Inspection Council (Government of India). According to this Act all exportable milk and milk products should undergo compulsory pre-shipment inspection for quality control. And the quality control and inspection are administered through a network of more than fifty offices located around major production centers and ports of shipment 5. Pollution Control The milk processing industry should take no Objection Certificate from Pollution Control Board which is Compulsory. Voluntary Standards In India there are two organizations which deal with voluntary standardization and certification systems in the food sector. They are: 1. Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) BIS has two types of activities, one is formulation of Indian standards in the processed foods sector and the other is implementation of standards through promotion and through voluntary and third party certification systems. BIS standards cover raw materials permitted and their quality parameters, hygienic conditions under which products are manufactured and packaging and labeling requirements.BIS will give ISI mark that can be exhibited on product packages to those manufacturers complying with standards laid down by the BIS. BIS has made mandatory certification for food colors or additives, vanaspati (Hydrogenated vegetable oil), containers for packing, milk powder and condensed milk. 2. Directorate of Marketing and Inspection (DMI) Agricultural Produce (Grading Marking) Act was formed in the year 1937 which had given power to Central Government of India to frame grade standards for agricultural produce. It has formulated certain Standards under scientific manner and is popularly known as AGMARK standards. Recently food safety factors are being incorporated in these standards in order to compete in World trade and they are harmonized with international standards keeping in view the WTO requirements. They will provide Certification to adulteration prone milk products like Butter and Ghee in order to benefit producer/manufacturer and consumer. The Certification mark under the Agricultural Produce (Grading Marking) Act is popularly known as AGMARK. (Source: Other Government Regulations 1. Industrial License: Normally in India no license is required for setting up a Dairy Project but a Memorandum has to be submitted to the Secretariat for Industrial Approvals (SIA) and an acknowledgment is to be obtained. 2. Foreign Investment: A prior approval from the Secretariat of Industrial Approvals, Ministry of Industry(Government of India) is required in order to Foreign investment in Indian Dairy Industry. 3. Foreign Technology Agreements: It also requires prior approval from the government of India . 4. Import of capital Goods Import of capital goods for dairy processing industry is allowed if it is financed through Foreign Equity and it also need of approval from the Secretariat of Industrial Approvals. 5. Import of Second Hand Capital Goods Second hand machinary can be imported if it meets conditions like minimum residual life of 5 years, equipment age should not be more than 7 years old, certificate from the Chartered Engineers of the country of origin certifying the age , the Residual life is to be produced and import will be allowed only for actual users. (Source: The Management Systems Certification (MSC) activity of the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS): It consists of a series of activities with which it will assess the capability of an organizations Management Systems such as IS/ISO 9001:2000(Quality Management Systems), IS/ISO 14001:2004( Environmental Management Systems ),IS 18001:2000(Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems),IS15000:1998 ( Food Hygiene Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) System )and the combination of two or more than two systems (integrated management systems) and it will provide third party Certification to the organizations. BIS offers certification to the following standard: IS/ISO 9001:2000: This standard comes under Quality Management Systems Certification Scheme (QMSCS) provided by Bureau of Indian Standards and it is identical to ISO 9001:2000 -`Quality Management Systems . IS does not provide any form of consultancy services for implementation of the requirements of IS/ISO 9001:2000 standard as under its Quality Management Systems Certification Scheme, BIS grants licenses against IS/ISO 9001:2000 standard. Accreditation of BIS QMSCS by Raad voor Accreditatie (RvA), Netherlands, is a testimony of BIS QMSCS operating to internationally accepted criteria. BIS Quality Management Systems Certification Scheme is accredited by RvA for twenty three sectors. IS/ISO 14001: This standard comes under Environmental Management Systems Certification Scheme (EMSCS) and is identical to ISO 14001 -`Environmental Management Systems. This standard helps the organizations to achieve and demonstrate sound environmental performance. It does not provide any form of consultancy services for implementation of the requirements of IS/ISO 14001 but it grants licenses against IS/ISO 14001 standard. IS 18001:2000: This standard comes under Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems and helps in good health and safety performance ensuring an accident-free industrial environment. This will also improves organizations smooth and effective functioning. IS 15000:1998: This standard comes under Food Hygiene -Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) System and it is designed to identify and prevent microbial and other hazards in food production. It helps the producers, processors, distributors, exporters, etc, of food products to utilize technical resources efficiently and in a cost effective manner in assuring food safety .It does not provide any form of consultancy services for implementation of the requirements of IS15000 standard as under its HACCP HACCP-Quality Management Systems (QMS) Certification Scheme but it grants licenses against IS 15000 (HACCP stand-alone certification) or IS 15000 integrated with IS/ISO 9001:2000 standard (HACCP integrated with QMS Certification). The Benefits of BIS Certification for management systems: It improves both internal operational benefits and external marketing advantages of an organization. And it also provide an assurance of consistent quality, pollution prevention, waste reduction, safety and health of employees to highly competitive international market-place, customers, governments, general public, employees and stakeholders . (Source: Bureau of Indian standards Management Systems Certification Quality Manual, issue 1, 2004). Major problem associated with quality standards: Small holders have difficulty complying with SPS/ QUALITY STANDARDS (FAO, 2002). Conclusion: There is need of Training of suitable man power on Quality and food safety management systems such as ISO Standards ,good hygienic practices and good manufacturing practices and application of concept and principles of sanitary and phyto sanitary (SPS ) and Hazard Analysis and critical control point ( HAACP ) systems throughout the food Chain from farmer to consumer , becomes important for producing quality milk products. So, Indian government should take proper measures in order to improve people skill in the quality and safety management systems so that Indian dairy sector Quality and Safety management systems will improve.
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