Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Half the Sky Documentary Evaluation - 1025 Words
Half the Sky is a movie that discusses the oppression of women around the world. It brings to light the issues that, even in todays society, are still occurring. Women, young adults, and children everywhere in the world are becoming victims to abuse, rape, and being deprived of getting an education. This film documents Nikolas Kristof going around the world with the help of well known people in America to show some of the issues and some organizations that are working to change the way society views women and children. Early in the documentary a shocking statistic was given. It stated that around 60 million to 100 million females are currently missing out of the population. Where are all of these women going, and how are we letting this†¦show more content†¦We need people within the culture to empower others in that society to speak up and gain more followers. Secondly, we need to train societies to prosecute and investigate these crimes more thoroughly. If these countries d ont have a strong justice system no changes can be made when those committing the crime dont see it as a crime. Thirdly, we need to educate children. Girls are likely to drop out of school at an age of fourteen or before to work for their family, whereas boys are likely to drop out at sixteen. Building an educated generation will help because then they can get a career and will not be caught in poverty like so many generations before them. Lastly, we need to bring all of these issues to light in countries that can help. We need more Americans to become aware of these issues, and reach out to help make them better. Nikolas Kristof said in Half the Sky, Once people pay attention, thats the first step towards a solution. All of this relates to sociology in many ways. One of the main ways it relates is because you see how something so looked down upon in one culture can be so socially acceptable in another culture. When somebody is accused and prosecuted for rape in America they are p ut in jail for a long time, and receive consequences for their actions. If you go to say Sierra-Leone, or Cambodia the person accused of rape will almost 100% of the time walk away with no consequences.Show MoreRelatedPolitical Art Essay1400 Words  | 6 Pagesfor a good cause. Goya was one of the first artists to portray the true horrors of war. He became deaf halfway through his lifetime, which increased his understanding of emotions and expressions and his reliance of his other senses. Relying on documentaries and second hand accounts of war, Goya developed artworks of scenes of the Spanish revolution. He was unable to release his artworks until 8 years after the war, due to the fear of being executed, the fear that was created because of war. 3rdRead MoreAssassination of John F. 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