Saturday, May 23, 2020
Biology Assignment Gene Therapy - 1476 Words
Gene Therapy Biology Assignment FINAL COPY By Hunter Alker 9S For countless generations, genetic diseases have been ruining people’s lives with these abnormal conditions being able to severely mutilate, disable or kill them. Genetic illnesses are most commonly due to mutations in the DNA sequence that occurs during replication or due to environmental factors such as radiation. [10] Though an affected patient might not have to live with their illness for their whole life as the human genome has the ability to be changed [10], therefore, allowing an opportunity for treatment. Research and advancements in technology have allowed numerous different methods of treatment for affected patients to be discovered which have dramatically changed our†¦show more content†¦Having a cure for genetic diseases would be a significant progress in the field of medicine. [3] In the years around 1960-1970, the idea of gene therapy had been arising as a possible solution to curing some genetic disorders, although reliable data about the safety and consequences of the process were still being debated. In 1890, the NIH Clinical Centre housed the first patient to be treated with gene therapy, a four-year-old girl who suffered from a disorder called adenosine deaminase (ADA). The girl’s white blood cells were taken away and then infused with the correct gene. [2] This treatment was undertaken repeatedly for two years and when the gene therapy had ceased the patient’s health had significantly increased and the presence of the ADA enzyme had decreased dramatically. Around the same time, a nine-year-old girl also with ADA received the same treatment with similar results. [4] After these early successful treatments using gene therapy, scientists then used this method of genetic engineering to remedy babies with this disease before expanding to the t reatment of other diseases. Originally, our understanding of genetics was commonly utilised in the form of genetic testing which allowed scientists to identify and diagnosis genetic disorders and diseases by observing chromosomes, genes and proteins. This limited out knowledge toShow MoreRelatedDiscoveries In Dna Essay1188 Words  | 5 Pages Alaiah Andrews Bio1020 S03 Week 5 Assignment 2 06/06/2017 Discoveries in DNA, cell biology, evolution, biotechnology have been among the major achievements in biology over the past 200 years with accelerated discoveries and insights over the last 50 years. Consider the progress we have made in these areas of human knowledge. 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